Personal Doctor Who Thoughts

Jul 23, 2007 17:20

I just watched the last two episodes of Doctor Who Season 2.

I cried. Oh, God, did I cry! I hardly saw the end for the tears and... what do you call it, the 'He! He! He!' breathing. LOL, that looks like I was laughing. 'He thinks he's funny but I am *so* not amused. What do you think Ma'am?' ANYWAY, I'm oathetic, I know. The whole Cybermen vs Daleks thing was AWEsome. ('You will identify!' 'You will identify first!' 'Daleks do not identify!' 'You have identified as Dalek!') and I figured out that I'd rather by rules by Daleks anyway! LOL. At least they just 'Exterminate' you - it even SOUNDS better than being 'Deleted!' Think about it, death by Dalek is quick. Maybe not painless, but quick! Death by Cyberman though... they take out your BRAIN while you're still ALIVE! THEN you go on to 'delete' other people! I'd rather be exterminated, thanks.

And awww, the Doctor sent Rose away without saying good bye! I was all like, 'noooo!' Much like the Doctor when Rose came back to save the world. WHY???? Why did she do that? Oh yeah, she's a hero. I mean, it's ncie that her 'Dad' saved her but... the Doctor! He's all alone. I know that's the point, Last of the Timelords and all... but still! And then the hologram! This is where I didn't really see it, lol. No touching! WTF?!?!?! And when Rose started to say, 'I love you,' I was almost screaming 'SAY IT!!!' and then she did! Then when The Doctor started to say it and slowly too, I *was* screaming for him to say it even though I knew he probably wouldn't get it out for some reason or another... and then he ran out of time. I *hate* that he didn't get say it! I mean, yeah, Rose knew (he did manage 'Rose Tyler...') but still.

I think I might watch an epsiode or two of season 3 tonight. LOL. I can't leave the Doctor sad and now confused because of the Bride... =) Too tired.

Dalek Thay: Identify Yourself!
Cybermen: You will identify first!
Dalek Thay: State you designation!
Cybermen: You will identify first!
Dalek Thay: IDENTIFY!
Mickey Smith: It's like Stephen Hawking meets the speaking clock.
Cybermen: That is illogical. You will modify.
Dalek Thay: Daleks do not take orders.
Cybermen: You have been identified as Daleks.
Dalek Sec: Outline resembles the inferior species known as Cybermen!

Cybermen: DELETE!

Cyberman: Daleks and cybermen; together we can upgrade the universe.
Dalek: You propose an alliance?
Cyberman: That is correct.
Dalek: Request denied!
Cyberman: Hostile elements will be deleted.
[the cybermen fire; but their weapons have no effect]
[the dalek returns fire; killing the cybermen]

Cyber Leader: Daleks, be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen.
Dalek Leader: This is not war - this is pest control!
Cyber Leader: We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?
Dalek Leader: Four.
Cyber Leader: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?
Dalek Leader: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You superior in only one respect.
Cyber Leader: What is that?
Dalek Leader: You are better at dying. Raise communications barrier!
[video link with Cyber Leader cuts out]
Dalek Leader: Wait!
The Doctor: [in the same room as Cyber Leader, listening in through Rose's mobile phone] Lost her.
Dalek #2: Rewind image by nine rels.
[the image is rewound, and we see the Doctor in the background of the video link]
Dalek #2: Identify grid Seven Gamma Flame. This male registers as enemy!
Dalek Leader: The females heart rate has increased!
Mickey Smith: Yeah, tell me about it.
Dalek Leader: Identify him!
Rose Tyler: All right then... if you really want to know. That's the Doctor.
[all four Daleks recoil in apparent fear]
Rose Tyler: Five million Cybermen, easy. One Doctor? NOW you're scared!

Cyberman: Our technology is compatiable; although your design is less elegant.
Dalek: Daleks have no concept of elegance!
Cyberman: This is obvious.

The Doctor: [the Doctor is transmitting his image from the TARDIS] Here you are, living a life day after day. The one adventure I can never have.
Rose Tyler: [crying] Am I ever going to see you again?
The Doctor: You can't.
Rose Tyler: What are you going to do?
The Doctor: I've got the TARDIS. Same old life. The last of the Time Lords.
Rose Tyler: On your own?
[the Doctor nods]
Rose Tyler: I... I... I love you.
The Doctor: Quite right, too. And I suppose... if this is the last chance I'll ever have to say it... Rose Tyler...
[he fades away before he can finish]

- Sam

tv: doctor who, quotes

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