Dec 17, 2008 18:18
I want to start off by saying that I feel really bad about not being able to send out Christmas cards/pressies this year but - NEXT YEAR!! Yeah, it just doesn't work out with going overseas and all... so, sorry! You'll all have to hold out for next year, lol!
My Mum, Grandma and I went shopping today in WINCHESTER. Kind of a last minute thing, it was lovely though! I didn't buy anything except for a magazine, seeing as my Mum has banned me from buying anything until after Christmas. As she keeps saysing to the rest of my family aswell, 'What is the point of buying yourself stuff just before Christmas??' Makes sense though, doesn't it?
I'm getting a bit of a cold but hopefully it won't get any worse and I will be able to go to London at 100%!! I was supposed to go to my Aunt's concert tonight but will be staying home because of afformentioned cold. =(
I'm not going to go into detail but thoughts of next year (finalyear of school) and universities etc is really doing my head in atm... again. I need to find a distraction! Any ideas...? =P
- Sam