Aegis [v/vi]

Sep 17, 2014 21:57

Mist and a chilling fog hover along the smooth floors of Kyungsoo’s dreams today, a startling darkness blanketing his surroundings as he wades through the liquid black, searching for something he’s not sure exists or not. There’s an itchy sensation in his throat that tastes like longing and something else he can’t quite pinpoint.


Abruptly, a splattering of violent red takes over. And he screams as he tries to run from it, has to get away-- hurry! But it’s everywhere-- covering everything. Through the depths of it, he hears Baekhyun’s eerie whisper through his skull.

Is someone afraid of the dark?

“No!” he whimpers out loud, eyes flying open into reality. A fine sheen of sweat covers his skin as he tries to catch his breath, fingertips tingling from his surge of oxygen.

Where’s Kai?

He sits up in the bed, Egyptian cotton sheets coiled around his ankles and thighs. He thinks that he should be used to waking up and finding himself in unfamiliar situations by now, but he’s still surprised nonetheless. His eyes take in the hand-carved mahogany furniture, vibrant sunlight peeking through the gauze curtains. A soft breeze flutters against the petals of a lovely pink rose sitting in a vase on the bedside table.

He slides out of bed and there’s a sick lump in his stomach as he inches towards the half-open door. He pokes his head around it and sees someone sitting at a small, round table to the far end of the next room. He’s suspicious though, not quite trusting of anyone given his life-or-death circumstances.

(He’s right.)

“Don’t be scared, Kyungsoo. Come have tea with us,” the person calls without looking at him. He realizes that his choices are limited now as he tentatively enters the room, sees that there’s a child sitting at the table in addition to the person he first spotted. He stiffly sits down in the chair across from the man, the child in between them.

The man pours him tea and Kyungsoo casts furtive glances in his direction as he does so, questions piling upon more questions. “Where am I?” he asks quietly when the teacup and coaster are nudged towards him. He doesn’t drink it.

The man looks at him slyly, smiles slightly at his fear. How cute. “Somewhere not even the privileged can gain access to,” he responds vaguely, amused by his guest’s reaction. His expression suddenly changes for a split-second wherein it becomes wicked, twisted. “But you’re not just privileged, Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo feels a terrible chill sprint down his spine and, instinctively, he knows that he has to escape now. He has to go-- anywhere, away from here, away from this wretched person. So, he scoots his chair back and gets up. “M-my aegis. He’s hurt and--”

With a clatter, he’s suddenly forced back into the chair and held there by some invisible force. The chair scoots back into the table and Kyungsoo’s so incredibly frightened, knows he’s trapped now as he panics. His eyes are darting around the room looking for help that won’t come.

“If you’re good, I won’t hurt you, Kyungsoo,” his captor states, sipping his tea calmly. “But, if you’re bad…” The man clenches his fist and a ceramic vase in the corner of the room shatters, an ear-splitting sound slicing the air.

Kyungsoo glances over at the child, expects a reaction similar to his own, but sees that he’s happily munching on a cookie, unphased by the events happening around him. What the heck is going on?!

“Your aegis is recovering in the infirmary right now,” the man continues. Kyungsoo can feel the hold over his limbs loosen and he bites his bottom lip as he continually tries to use his ability to get away. “He will make a full recovery, of course, since we have the nation’s healer attending to him.”

The man is choosing sandwiches at the bottom of the tiered tray on the table for the child when Kyungsoo notices that nothing’s happening; his ability doesn’t work. As the child digs into his sandwich, the man sighs. “Kyungsoo, you’re wearing a suppression wristband. You’ll wear yourself out if you keep resisting. How about drinking your tea before it gets cold and chatting with me for a bit? Then, I’ll let you go see Kai, unharmed.”

After a pause in which no one moves, he addresses the other problem. “Nothing’s poisoned. I wouldn’t use such an underhanded method to kill you when I can crush your skull from here.”

So, Kyungsoo takes a sip of tea just to appease him, glaring in his direction the entire time. “Who are you and why am I here?” he finally asks.

“Oh, how rude of me. I’m Luhan and this is Huang Zitao,” he motions towards the child who gives him a look of death as if he’ll be in trouble later. He will be. “As for your other question, the answer to that is simply because I’ve been wanting to meet you.”

“Why is that?” he inquires, voice hard and guarded. He sees that escape is futile now, but he doesn’t have to play nice. Judging by their environment, there’s no doubt that this person holds a high rank in their nation. Only government officials are given houses as the greater majority of society lives in one-bedroom apartments.

Who are you, really?

“Do you know what Armageddon’s purpose is?” Luhan poses, pours tea for the child when he notices his cup is empty.

“Entertainment,” Kyungsoo deadpans, doesn’t dare say any more lest they apprehend him and toss him in detention for treason.

“Indeed, that is one reason. It also strengthens the economy; the people invest a lot of money into such an event. But, do you know the real reason why Armageddon was created?”

A pause steps in between them and there’s only the rustling of the wind through the open window, captured birds twittering in a wire cage as it flutters their feathers. Kyungsoo notices that they all have different colors and patterns, each unique. A collector?

(The Supreme Leader is.)

Finally, Luhan speaks. “Armaggedon and aegises were created hand-in-hand in an attempt to stimulate a more compassionate society. Have you heard of genetic sexual attraction? There’s a lot to say about it but, to put it shortly, people tend to select partners who possess similar genetic traits to them and that’s why aegises are grown using a sire’s DNA, to foster that bond.”

He chuckles a bit to himself as if finding the explanation of such a thing ridiculous. The child clears his throat to prompt him to continue. “What a heartless society we have become to find entertainment in the murder of our brethren though. Despite that, when people watch sires cry over their fallen aegis, they think, ‘At least that’s not me.’ There is a sense of gratitude over such a thing. The people are united in a shared sense of gratitude through Armageddon, love their aegis more because of it. Thus the paradox: People become more loving through watching others die.”

Kyungsoo’s fingers are sore from gripping his pants so tight, his stomach knotted so intensely he feels like vomiting. He just wants to go home-- even their room in the hotel is fine, anywhere but here where he has to listen to this madness. “Why are you telling me this?” he chokes.

Luhan looks him over slowly, sees the pain in his expression and grins. “Because you’re different, aren’t you? You’ve only watched Armageddon once in your entire life, haven’t watched it since.”

“How do you know that?” Kyungsoo grits, sure that nobody had noticed him playing with his pockets in the nursery when all of the children were gathered together to watch the tournament. He’s sure nobody knew that he’d avoid looking at the monitors displayed across the nation whenever Armageddon was on, kept his television off.

“I know everything, Kyungsoo, because I’m the Supr--”

Suddenly, there’s a soft thud and the child’s cup of tea spills onto the table, the light liquid soaking into the tablecloth and flowing against the other pieces of china. An android maid steps out from a closet and moves to clean it.

Luhan smiles coyly at the child, innocently as if he wasn’t about to confess their secret. Then, the main door opens and a tall man walks in. He bows slightly and awaits his turn to speak. Luhan sits there quietly and waits. The child glances at him, with a wrinkle in his brow, before nudging him.

“Oh, right-- yes, what is it?”

The attendant frowns. “I apologize for the interruption, but we have other matters to attend to. Shall I call for an escort for Do Kyungsoo?”

“Yes, please do,” he replies. He stands up and pulls the chair out for the child. “It was a pleasure meeting you,” he says to Kyungsoo politely, leading the child out the room by the hand.

Kyungsoo can’t say the same.

The moment the door shuts behind them, he feels a sharp prick in his arm and the world fades away again.


He awakes this time in a different bed, one much less fancy than the previous one. He recognizes this one slightly though as a repeated noise drips through his consciousness, causing his eyelids to flutter open. He turns his head to look towards the sound, sees a heart-rate monitor with Kai hooked up to it in the bed next to his.

He doesn’t think he’s been more relieved to see anyone in his entire life as he breaks out into silent tears, hot droplets seeping into the freshly-laundered pillowcase. So, he slides out of bed and comes to stand next to him, scared to touch anything lest he disturb a tube or needle.

A teardrop lands on Kai’s face and his eyelids immediately fly open, disoriented and alarmed that something had touched him. His pupils whip over to see his sire standing over him and he instantly calms down, knows that there aren’t any threats around. He tries to cough but it comes out as a rasp, his throat dry from sleep.

“Are you alright?” he asks, concerned that Kyungsoo had received wounds comparable to his own in nature. His entire abdomen is sore and throbbing, but he knows that the worst of it is gone, his previously deflated lung free of the broken ribs that had punctured it.

Kyungsoo just nods, wipes his face with his shirt cuff. “I wasn’t injured,” he replies. The startling emotions from his encounter with Luhan are starting to dissipate now and he feels as if gravity is becoming more merciful.

Just outside the room, a gurney is being rolled down the polished hallways, a sheet strewn over it to hide the mangled body that had suffered from the previous round of Armageddon.

This is just the beginning of the end.


They return to their room when the gray light of morning has diffused over the horizon, the chirping of birds sprinkled across the awakening city. Just as the clouds betray the brilliant orange of sunrise, Kyungsoo sets down a full basket of laundry in front of the washing machine situated in the far back corner of their living space.

He’s quite surprised that a hotel of this caliber doesn’t have modern machines for disinfecting and automatic ironing, thinks they must be reserved for personnel to use as doing laundry inside of their living space is unheard of. So, he squints at the touch-screen on the top-loading machine, follows the instructions, and hears the churning of water afterwards. He lets out a sigh as he stands there in just his underwear, listens to the dull chugging sound. He’s surprised by how calm it makes him, like listening to rain pattering against the windows on a gloomy day.

Meanwhile, Kai sticks his arm out of the shower and gropes around to find his towel. He discovers that it’s missing and remembers that Kyungsoo’s doing laundry right now. So, without even an ounce of hesitation, he teleports to the laundry room and his sire jumps.

“You scared me!” Kyungsoo exclaims, hand on his chest from the shock. He looks his aegis up and down and unintentionally feels a wave of arousal rush through him.

“Do you have a towel?” he asks miserably, dripping water onto the floor. Kyungsoo rips his eyes away to get two from the cabinets behind himself, hands Kai one and takes the other one to help him.

He gets to Kai’s chest and slows, gazing tenderly at the small marbling of purple, blue, and green around the side. He’s glad that it’s mostly healed now, but still feels sorry that Kai had had to sacrifice so much for him. He’s jostled out of his thoughts when a damp towel wraps around the back of his head and around his shoulders, moist lips meeting his for a kiss.

Kai wraps the towel tighter around his sire, feels Kyungsoo kiss him back softly. A chuckle escapes Kai’s throat as he tries to distract his sire from the nasty thoughts he knows he’s thinking. “You’re cute like this,” he comments, plants his lips on the apple of his lover’s cheek.

Kyungsoo’s face and neck flush with shyness as he looks away, tries to formulate coherent words. “Y-you’re just-- you’re so stupid,” he counters weakly, hears the sound of his aegis’ mocking laughter close to his ear as Kai’s lips trail down the line of his neck. He exhales heavily as Kai lays open-mouthed kisses on his throat, is so incredibly turned on by how warm his after-shower skin feels. “Stop,” he whispers half-heartedly, arms wrapping around his aegis’ neck despite his words, “you should rest.”

Kai pulls away roughly, teleports to sit on top of the vibrating washing machine. “So you’ll do everything today?” he responds, leaning back on his palms and closing his eyes as if awaiting the next move.

Kyungsoo just stares dumbfoundedly at him and balls his hands into fists, debates with himself internally. He bites his bottom lip and stares off into the corner. He’s hard already, but he doesn’t want to do naughty things in such a place. He’ll never be able to do laundry without a hard-on ever again.

Finally, Kyungsoo relents and nudges his way in between Kai’s legs, strokes him a couple times before wrapping his lips tight around his length. The washing machine starts its spin cycle and the tremors make the blowjob even more amazing as Kai’s mind starts going numb from the pleasure.

He loses himself when Kyungsoo presses his tongue against the bottom and he can’t take it anymore-- wants him so bad it hurts. So, he tugs on his sire’s arm, urges him onto his lap and pulls off his underwear as he fondles his ass. He’s so desperate to be inside of him, wants it now as Kyungsoo lowers himself onto his dick.

Kyungsoo rolls his hips with a soft moan, puts his hands on either side of Kai’s face as he licks into his mouth. It’s so hot with Kai’s hands roaming along his body, caressing his skin passionately. The vibrations from the washing machine makes him let go as they grind against each other. He starts jerking himself off because it’s becoming too painful now, breathing hard into Kai’s lips as he’s getting closer and closer.

And Kai likes the look of pure ecstasy on Kyungsoo’s face when he cums, likes it so much it’s enough to make him hit his climax too. His thumbs rub comforting circles into Kyungsoo’s hips as they’re coming down from their high, breathless.

The washing machine comes to a slow stop moments later and Kai grins mischievously. Just as he’s about to suggest another round on the dryer, he hears the television in the living room click on. They’re both slightly alarmed by the sound and rush to see what’s going on.

“We pardon the inconvenience, but this is a public announcement regarding Armageddon from the Supreme Leader,” the newscaster announces professionally.

The screen changes to the press conference room the Supreme Leader usually uses to address the population. As always, the Supreme Leader is masked and wearing a prim suit, his hands folded in front of him as he sits at a mahogany table.

“It has come to my attention that we have lost a very precious member of our society just before the final round of Armageddon…”

Kyungsoo hears his heart pounding in his ear drums as he awaits whatever it is to come. Deep down inside, he hopes that it’s good news as he remembers the announcement concerning the other participant’s death yesterday. He hopes that they’ll be spared now so that they’d be able to return home.

Things are never that simple.

“It would be rather unfortunate to end Armageddon early so, in our fallen companions’ stead, my aegis has decided to partake in the final round.” With a wave of his hand, the door behind him opens and in steps their next opponent. “I am unable to join him in the match, but I’m sure he won’t disappoint you.”

Kyungsoo’s blood runs cold and his eyes widen, his mind blank from the sheer terror as camera flashes erupt into bursts of light on the television, welcoming the new competitor.

“I hope you will all welcome Luhan to the arena against our most beloved participants, Do Kyungsoo and Kai.”


aegis, scifi, kaisoo, fantasy, mama!au, nc-17

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