(no subject)

Jan 05, 2006 06:49

What would you be?

A stone: Possibly a JADE stone. =P
A tree: Mahogony, strong, sturdy, and valuable.
A bird: A canary, sing about the sweet sins
A machine: An iPod
A tool: Something in the inclined plane range.
A flower/plant: A rose- delicate and sensitive with many layers with many petals to represent my different personalities. Thorns to represent my bad side
A kind of weather: Snowy
A mythical creature: I'd like to say a centaur.
A musical instrument: A flute
An animal: A penguin ^_^
A color: Green
An emotion: Depressed
A vegetable: A yam....
A sound: A 'grr'
An Element: I have this weird thing for tungsten...
To trade places with another person: I want to trade places with....Vonnie..
A movie: The Waterboy
A food: Eggrolls?
A place: A busy city.
A material: Satin
A taste: Sugary
A religion: Hiduism
An object: A diary
A word: Frappachino, I dunno, the word jumped out at me in this poster
A body part: The eyes
A facial expression: Nervous
A subject in school: Art
A cartoon: I'm very partial to Tom and Jerry.
A shape: A star
A number: 12
A month: Janurary
A day of the week: Friday
A time of day: 6th period or whatever. Everyone's finally awake after lunch.
A direction: NNW
A piece of furniture: Something antique and loaded with stories.
A sin: Lust and sloth
A historical figure: Ghandi?
A liquid: Mountain dew
A method of death: Suicide
A planet: Saturn
A scent: The sweet scent of wild strawberries
A sea animal: Sea turdle babies are the cutest ^_^
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