[Life]: The Corona Comedy Show also known as Germany

Mar 24, 2021 21:01


Sorry, I just have to rant about it as it's so stupid you wouldn't even believe it.

For the latest development today, even I thought it was truly a joke when a co-worker told me, but apparently it's reality .....

Anger and frustration is growing bigger and bigger here in Germany with how the government is handling the corona situation .....
It's a shit show beyond your imagination and nobody would have ever thought that the usually well organized Germany could be just a comedy club, but it is - only that it's not funny and ruining millions of people's lives .....

I think the situation was handled well last year during the first wave, but ever since that it's been a really bad down spiral ....

In mid-December we went into a soft lockdown. I can't even remember the details anymore and I really don't care.
All shops closed, maybe schools, too, I don't remember and contacts were limited, curfew and all.

I remember being all alone on my 40th birthday and on New Year's Eve as those were the restrictions and because everybody had to be home by 9 p.m. nothing was going on anywhere ....

All of this was for nothing, a much stricter lockdown was implemented in early January - shortly before I had my nervous breakdown as they were continuously changing the rules and I had to move apartments in this very uncertain situation.....

The lockdown was extended again and again. Finally when the numbers were extremely low (compared to some other countries that had opened up with much higher numbers) Germany came up with rules that were extremely hard to understand and also required EVERYONE including shops etc. to check numbers daily.
Depending on the numbers in a city or town shops etc. were allowed to open completely to everyone, or with higher numbers only via click & meet (you need an appointment before you can visit the store) - or with even higher numbers everything is closed.
Same goes for schools and pretty much everything.
Obviously numbers had to be checked daily, to see if everything has to be changed.
This was exhausting as hell, but it didn't last long. I think only about a week?

Then they decided to go back into a hard lockdown, so we never really opened up ....
Not only that but they also decided that during Easter Holidays very strict rules should abide and that 2 additional days shall be national holidays this time, so that EVERYTHING has to close.

You know what that meant?
I give you just a quick personal example. My hairdresser called me up yesterday. I haven't been to a hairdresser in almost a year now and thought it's finally time to try and go as they've finally opened up.
But now they called me and said they had to cancel my appointment because that very day was suddenly declared a national holiday by the government the previous day .......

Now, obviously not only hairdressers in all of Germany had to call their customers to cancel appointments for those 2 days that now were suddenly national holidays.
Nope, clinics, car repair shops etc. ......
That must have been frustrating for them and a lot of work.

And not only that ... a lot of people, including me had to get rid of their remaining 2020 vacation days until the end of March. We were allowed to take days off at the beginning of April as well.
Now, suddenly those days didn't count as taken vacation days anymore so we all had to discuss with our bosses yesterday and shift things around.

And now guess what happened today?

Miss Merkel declares that it probably wasn't a good idea to suddenly declare to days as national holidays and that she regrets the decision.
They take that decision back, so everything will just be as usual.

WHAT THE FU**????????????????????????????????????

I really thought my co-worker was joking when she told me that during lunch break.
I can't even .......................................

Germany, seriously, WHY on earth?? What's wrong with you?

Don't even get me to start about the vaccine shit going on. I've already mentioned it in my last entry.
I don't know why we're one of the very few countries where barely any people have received the shot yet compared to others.
In so many other countries even young people get their shot. Here, not all 80+ years old people have gotten theirs and it doesn't look like it will ramp up any time soon ....

In so many other countries life has long gotten back to normal or they are at least far away from a lockdown.

Here, they're currently discussing to maybe forbid travelling outside of the country at all (though there apparently are some laws in place that make it difficult to just go through with something like that).
Not that there was a lot of travelling going on anyway .....

I just want to SCREAM my soul out right now .... I can't even.

I really wish I just could go back to Japan.
I can't take this shit show of a government much longer ... I want my life back! :(

On top of that I wasted so many hours on the phone and in chats with power providers ... it's all such a mess.
I don't want to bore you with boring details, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you what happened. It's such a waste of time and money and nerves ..... *sigh*

I'm in the office almost every day right now.
Today and tomorrow I'm having a workshop all day long. There's a guy from another company coming over and two of us. The other two people aren't wearing masks. I'm the only one.
Just hope I'll get out of this without getting sick ..... and yes, that's reality in Germany.

It doesn't make sense!
They throw us in lockdowns, but so many people still go into the office, because it's not enforced enough. It's not the fault of the employees, but the companies ....
I would stay in home office most of the time if I could ...........................

Strangers were allowed to help me with the move, not wearing masks - just because they were "professionals", but close family or co-workers weren't allowed.

I could go on forever and ever.

The rules here make absolutely NO SENSE - and I'm sure even the most patient person is about to lose their temper soon now.
I'm a bit worried that there might be violent demonstrations or people going berserk, shooting people or whatever ................

Such crazy times.

I just hope something good happens soon.


*covid19, *life

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