So, after I´ve finished the anime yesterday I want to compare the manga and the anime.
I really loved the manga ! I love Obana Miho. I love her dark and sad stories ! I love the way she´s treating her young main characters.
I also liked the anime a lot, but not as much as the manga. Furthermore there are WORLDS between those two, that´s why I´m writing this XD

I´ll start with the manga, because I´ve also read the manga first !
For all those who don´t know: There are overall 10 books.
The mangaka is Obana Miho (other works: Partner, Pochi, Andante, Mizu no yakata).
Kodomo no Omocha means "The toy of a child or child´s toy".
Short Review:
Sana Kurata, a famous child actress, attends elementary school. But her school life is pretty chaotic - that´s mainly because of a boy called Hayama Akito. He causes trouble all the time ! He provokes the teachers and almost all the boys in class help him to do so. Sana decides to challenge Hayama, because she wants a peaceful school life ! So there the fun begins ! Sana´s not beaten that easily. She finds out the reason why Hayama acts like that and helps him a LOT ! (so cute ;__; ....) They become good friends, but Hayama still only opens his heart to Sana, but noone else !!
The relationship between Sana and Hayama at the very beginning XDD
A year later both attend middle school. They meet a lot of new people. One of them is Fuka (Kansaiben XDDD). Sana and Fuka become friends quickly, but Sana has a huge movie project and for that she´s leaving school for a while. During that time there are rumors spreading around that she´s going out with her co-actor Naozumi Kamura, but that´s not true. Those two are only good friends.
Because of this Fuka and Hayama start to go out with each other. Sana´s totally shocked when she comes to know about it ! After she´s been beaten up by some jealous fans of Naozumi, she´s now REALLY down ! The last movie scene almost causes her death. (btw. the movie is about "Mizu no yakata" another work of Obana Miho)
A lot of things happen. It´s too long to describe it, you just have to read it - furthermore I don´t want to spoil ^^
What I like so much about the manga is that THIS are elementary school kids (later first year of middle school) and Obana Miho is sooooo mean to her characters ! They have to suffer through sooooo much, although they´re soooo young !
Sana´s mother publishes a book and after that everyone knows that Sana´s adopted ! The press is chasing her. Hayama helps her through this time. Hayama on the other hand is always called 'devil' by his sister. She hates him, because their mother died, when Hayama was born. This is just the beginning. The two of them have to suffer through so much !!!!
So now on to my conclusion:
The anime is more shrill and funny. There´s a lot to laugh about, although there are some serious scenes, too. Well, Sana IS a very chipper girl and in the anime we experience her FULL POWER XDDDD
Oh and the anime has Babbit !!! It doesn´t appear in the manga, because it would just not fit in. Babbit is here for the fun parts and in the manga there are not so much funny parts ^^;;
The anime and the manga ARE very different:
The anime has an open end and there wasn´t so much hardship as in the manga ! I DID miss that a bit, but on the other hand there were a LOT of scenes in the anime, that didn´t appear in the manga.
For example: The realationship between Sana and Naozumi during their journey to New York. I didn´t like Nao in the manga, absolutely NOT ! But I´ve come to like him in the anime. There was EVEN a point when I preferred Nao and Sana to be a couple ! Although Hayama is my favourite character, but he was getting on my nerves when he got so close with Fuka !!! (that was also not this intense in the manga !)
I didn´t like Fuka in the manga, but at the end of the anime I liked her XD
A huge advantage of the anime is that we can experience the hyperactivity of Sana. It´s just not really possible in the manga, is it ? :)
I also like the voices of Sana and ESPECIALLY of Hayama a loooot ! <33
Spoiler Warning: (only a little) (mark the text if you want to read it ^^)
Well, if you ask me which end I like more, it´s definitely the manga´s end !!!
Why ? Hn~ well first of all because Sana and Hayama are really close at the end ! Because they´ve gone through so much hardship together and we really know that they´re in love with each other and everything is said.
In the anime on the other had it´s - as I´ve said - more an open end. We KNOW that they´ll probably tell each other their feelings after Hayama gets his black belt, right ? But it´s just not the same. Furthermore their realtionship is not as intense as in the manga !!
Spoiler End
I guess some people who liked the manga wouldn´t like the anime and the other way round !
But one should at least try to watch/read both, because they complement one another.
So, that´s all. I just wanted to say this much XD
Anyone wants to discuss this ?
And once again I have to apologize for my bad English x___X;;; *bows*
Jaa, mata ne ^^/~*