[Health]: Influenza is really no fun :(

Feb 20, 2019 21:16


In case you've been wondering what's going on.
I'm sorry that I'm not around much and that I'm barely replying to your entries, but please understand.
I caught the flu ... like the real thing. I have a full-grown influenza.

As far as I remember I haven't caught influenza since 2002/03 ........... so, it's REALLY been a while.
And I haven't been sick with a cold or anything like that since last year March.

While I lived in Japan I always got the flu shot as I worked as a teacher and the risk to get infected was just too high.
Also, the 2 years before I moved to Japan, I think I also got the shot because I had my final exams at university and my thesis and didn't want to get sick for a long time.

Since I have moved back to Germany, I never got the shot and never got influenza.
No idea what happened this time. I can't even track down from where I got it. Must have been someone random at the supermarket or so ..............
I do wash my hands more and more properly than anybody else I know
 ..... so probably it was somebody who coughed or sneezed at me.

On Friday at work I just had an itchy feeling in my throat. I drove back home, home (150 km).
On Saturday I had my hairdresser appointment (photos will follow some other time), met with friends, had dinner with them. I did cough quite a lot on that day, but still felt good.
In the night to Sunday I woke up around 3:30 a.m. and had to take pain killers. I didn't sleep properly the entire night and woke up barely able to leave the bed. Also had fever .... and I barely EVER have fever.

People are different anyway. In Japan they would freak out as soon as I had something above 37°C. I barely go beyond 37,5°C. In fact, I rather tend to have "under temperature" of 35,3°C.
So, going beyond 38°C is REALLY rare and for me it's probably the same as for some other people 39-40°C.

Home sweet home. Snow is slowly melting.

Anyway, I cancelled my appointment on Sunday and stayed in bed the entire time.
The good thing was that I had a dentist appointment in my home town on Monday morning, so I didn't have to drive back on Sunday to my apartment (150 km) which is what I usually would do.
I already thought I'd have to cancel the dentist appointment, but strangely enough I felt much better on Monday morning, so I went.

Yet, I knew I wasn't fit yet, so I went to a local doctor to get the paperwork done for sick leave.
I figured it's better to go in my local area, as the clinics here in the big city are always so crowded. Sometimes they have to stand outside of the building or in the hallway as the waiting rooms are far too full. It's insane.

The doc said he assumes I have influenza, but that my body might be used to it which is why it could easily fight it off and that's why I'm already feeling better.
However, he also had cases where the people feel much worse again after a few days. He gave me a doctor's note for until Wednesday (today).

As I felt okay on Monday, I folded my laundry (I always wash at home as I don't have a washing machine here), packed everything, went to the pharmacy to get some stuff and to the supermarket to have enough food for the next few days.
And then I sat in the car for 2h. Unpacked my stuff .... until I finally got to rest it was late evening and I noticed that I felt bad again.

Tuesday wasn't much better and today was horrible.
So, I went to the doc again. This time here in the big city, so I had to wait over an hour ... I really had a hard time sitting straight in the waiting room as everything simply hurt so much and my fever was coming back.

The doc confirmed it's influenza and that I'm contagious until Sunday. I'm now on sick leave until next Wednesday.

(It's really bad timing. My colleague is on vacation and I was supposed to do her work as well while she's gone. And we have 2 new members at work who started this Monday ....)
I might go back to work earlier if I feel REALLY fit, but ONLY then.

I'm just REALLY curious, how are things done in your country when it comes to sick leave?
Do you have to submit a doctor's note? What are the regulations? And do you actually have to go to see the doc if you need one? Do you also have to go if you prolong your doctor's note?

I hate the system here. It feels so old-fashioned. If you're really sick, you still have to drag yourself to the doc, sit in the waiting room for hours, pass your sickness to others in the waiting room - and in the worst case get a super infection as you catch something else while sitting there ......
It's so stupid. I know they've been discussing doing video chats and stuff in the future. I really hope that future comes SOON!!! It will make things easier for doctors as well.
For a lot of things I wouldn't even go and see a doctor. And I guess for 90% of adults it's the same. They're just jamming the waiting rooms because they have to for the doctor's note.

So, how is that done in your country?

Also, I'm trying to only use natural things to get me back on track, but I've been in so much pain that I had to take pain killers.
Problem is that I also have my period currently, so I've been taking pain killers even before I got sick.
I don't know how these are called in your country, but "Paracetamol" doesn't work for me. I'm not allowed to take "Ibuprofen" because of my Crohn's disease (yet I did today ....) and the past few days I took Aspirin. Aspirin works GREAT for me. Loving it. Always have. But it's NOT a good idea when you're on your period.
It's also dangerous as it can cause severe bleeding, so if you have to get an operation or anything ... this is not the one to take.

My doctor prescribed me something called "Novaminsulfon" (Metamizole). I read that it's even forbidden in a few countries, e.g. Japan. And I'm not so thrilled about the possible side effects (lowers your blood pressure extremely and might cause severe skin irritation). Also it contains one of the things I'm currently not eating due to my elimination diet. It REALLY sucks!!

Cooking everyday when you're so sick that you can barely stand is really no fun.

Apropos elimination diet .... this is my last week of the 4 weeks "no nightshades" anyway. I suppose as these are extreme circumstances and my gut is not doing what it's usually doing right now anyway, I can stop the experiment here.
I already bought red bell pepper today as this is usually my go-to source for vitamin C .......
As far as I can tell it wasn't the nightshades after all.

Last but not least ..... my 4-weeks free trial at the gym started. I went to the first appointment. Then I was super busy the rest of the week.
I had my last Zumba lesson on Tuesday, ice-skating with co-workers on Wednesday and on Thursday I was packing my stuff, doing dishes etc. and on Friday I drove home.
Now .... during week 2 and 3 I'll lie in bed ..... great stuff. But oh well, maybe it's just not meant to be.

I just try to stay in bed and either sleep or watch random stuff. I want my body to get back in shape, so I need to rest well and long enough.

Anybody else caught influenza already?
It seems really bad this year. I read horror news from Japan already, but nothing here in Germany .... but apparently we have a LOT of cases here in the Southern area at least.

Stay healthy!

 (better keep your distance from me!)


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