[Japanese]: JLPT N2 - Results are out!

Feb 12, 2011 19:39

Hey friends!

I just came back from work and I have to work tomorrow (Sunday!)
as well. As you can see I'm quite busy. I probably won't be able to post another entry until Thursday or Friday, but something happened today that I want to share with you guys quickly.

First of all I woke up to see a cool and extreme snowstorm outside. It almost felt like home (^-^') ... I couldn't use my bicycle in that snow, so I walked to work today. I walked happily like a little girl - completely strange. Usually (aka back home in Germany) I hate that kind of weather, but now that I don't have a car and all, it's GREAT!! Usually I would have to grab a snow shovel and free my car and everything around our house from the snow.

It's raining now and by tomorrow everything is probably gone already. Too bad that I didn't take my camera with me, but I was too worried I would fall into the snow (here in Japan they don't have any law that people need to get rid of the snow in front of their houses and the pavement). It was around 15cm of snow, I guess!

Anyways, the reason for this entry is something else. When I came home just right now I found something in my mailbox.
At first I thought it's about pension/taxes or whatever as the fiscal year in Japan starts in April, but once I had a closer look at it I saw that it's about the JLPT. THE RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!
I really didn't expect to get them THAT early!!! They said something about mid of February and they were also late with sending out the vouchers last year, so .....

Anyways, I forgot everything around me and opened it immediately.
I scimmed through it and soon found what I was looking for:

.................... I PASSED!!!!!!!

Most of you probably still remember my entry when I just came back from taking the test.
I was sick, had a fever, had to leave the night before after a long working day and stay in a hotel and then after the test I had to go back home which took me about 5h!!!!!! All in all I had to pay way over 20.000yen (~200$) just to get to the test site and take the test.
I had a lot of rule breakers in my room and my fever also did its job, so I completely failed the reading part .... or so I thought.
I was pretty comfortable with the listening and I thought I did OK with the grammar/vocab part.

Now, you'll see that I was almost COMPLETELY wrong!! (or rather I wonder how they graded each question as it was not set BEFORE the test but depends on how many people did well on a question etc. ..)

Language Knowledge (Vocab / Grammar): 39/60 (oops ...
Reading: 47/60
Listening: 50/60
Total Score: 136/180

Reference Information:
Vocabulary: A
Grammar: A

A: The number of correct responses is 67% or higher.
B: The number of correct responses is between 34% and 66%.
C: The number of correct responses is less than 34%.

I'm so happy right now I could dance through my apartment (if I weren't so exhausted from work).

I'm so relieved that all that hard work and staying alone in my apartment to study was not in vain after all.
This gives me courage and new motivation to try hard to achieve my final goal: N1

I still want to reduce my Japanese studying time, so that I can do other activities that actually let me meet people.


Anybody else already got their scores?? How did you do??? Please let me know so that we can celebrate together!

Alright, am off to do other things now. Had to leave for work right after I got up in the morning, so there's still this and that that needs to be done.
Read you soon again!

*japanese: jlpt, *japanese

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