Thanks to everybody for the "Get well soon"-wishes here. It seemed to help, after a week I'm slowly getting better.
My nose is still running and I still keep killing millions of innocent tissues, but it's somewhat getting better.
I still have a slight fever. I just took my temperature and was shocked to see that it's still slightly over 37°C!! (o__o'') ..... AGAIN!! Actually it was gone for 1 or 2 days and now it's back (o_o'') ...
My nose or my whole breathing system still don't work normally, I'm coughing every now and then and that after SEVEN days (with!!! medicine).
That's a little bit strange. Maybe I should go to a doctor after all. Especially because I want to climb Mt. Fuji in just a few days and in my current condition this is not an option!!!!!
By now I think part of it really might be stress. Partly related to the "laptop issue". I know all of you can't and don't wanna read about it anymore and honestly I don't wanna write about it anymore, but things just keep happening.
Normally, you decide that you need a new laptop, buy it and and that's it, right?
Why does it ALWAYS have to be so complicated with me?
Same with my camera in April. It just barely came in time and then seemed to be broken right away.
Why I do think that it's related to the laptop you ask?
It might just be a coincidence, BUT the first time I got sick, was when I was still wondering about whether to buy the Lenovo or not.
When I finally decided to order it, I suddenly got a high fever, but because they had a campaign I had to order it that day, so while being half-dead I ordered it (only to find out that the campaign was still going on after that
The next time I got sick was pretty much the day after I found out that they didn't keep their promise (to send it within 1-2 weeks). After calling them and finding out that it would take until the 23rd or so!
And now when I thought that I'd just wait and shouldn't stress about it ... and now that I'm finally getting better, the next HAMMER!!!! I just got a mail saying that it's scheduled to arrive at the 26th (much later than promised AGAIN!!) and with the side note that it might be even later due to weather, the customs etc.!!!!!!!
And something tells me that shortly before the 26th there will be another mail telling me it's yet again scheduled to be delivered at a later date and so on .......
I mean ... WTF???!!!! That's ridiculous!
It's not that I just wanted a new laptop and now I'm impatient. I really need this new laptop!!! There's so many things (dramas I can't watch, studying I can't do) because my old laptop can't handle it anymore!! Every day it's getting worse. Every day I have to restart it more often. What if my old laptop would have already given up a while ago and I'd be sitting here waiting and waiting for the new one? Something that still could happen anyways ...
And I guess once it finally arrives (if that ever happens, that is) it will be broken or something. I mean if it takes so long to get to me (it seems it was produced overseas and is being sent from there), then the same might happen if the laptop is broken and needs to be sent in, right? 1 month-2 months without a laptop again then? OMG!!!!
I don't have the mental strength to deal with all that shit, seriously! Not right now!
People might think I'm whining about a tiny laptop issue, but the thing is that's just ONE thing that's going on right now. That's just the last straw to break the camel's back, you know?
There are so many other problems that I don't wanna mention at this point and in a public entry, but I guess you still can imagine that I have BETTER things to do than dealing with that crap as well, right? :/
Not sure what to do, but I guess all I can do is wait anyways :(
And just hope that only positive things will happen from now on!! (>_>)
Another reason for getting sick (among many other things) is that my air conditioner is right next to my desk. Well, I do live in a tiny apartment as you know, so it can't be helped.
But I get hit directly by the cold wind, which might be nice for a few minutes, but not so healthy if it's going on for hours.
I've been thinking about reorganizing and moving my furniture, but alone that will be tough and honestly, I think as the room is so small it doesn't really matter where I sit!!
But so both times I got sick it was during my days off. Days off that I spend 24/7 in my apartment. My coworkers already asked me what I do on my days off, because I always come back to work being sick!!! Maybe it is something in my apartment that's making me sick?
But I just cleaned the air conditioner a while ago using desinfection spray and stuff as well :/ ...
People suggested I should eat healthier, but honestly, I think I eat quite healthy already.
Of course there's always a lot of room for improvement!
I don't smoke or drink.
I eat cereals (without sugar) with fresh fruit (mostly banana, kiwi and whatever else is in season) + milk/yoghurt or soy milk for breakfast.
Lunch is usually bread (unfortunately no German whole-grain bread :( ... but I try to get dark bread, e.g. genmaicha bread) with cheese or ham, and raw vegetables (cucumber, carrot, tomato), sometimes also with olives (so expensive in Japan!)
And dinner is often packed lunch I bought in the supermarket (which I think is still healthier than the conbini store food!!!) or - if I have a day off like today - rice with natto/vegetables or spagetthi or something like that (I usually don't REALLY cook
That was today's dinner. Spaghetti Carbonara with a half-boiled egg on top (*___*)v Yummie!!!!
What's missing in my life is definitely: sport!!!!!
I've been ranting about it a few times. This is not specifically a "Japan" problem. It DOES make things even more difficult, but I've been quite lazy ever since I became a university student anyways.
At home there were family members or friends with whom I occasionally did something (nordic walking, jogging, swimming etc.), but here in Japan????
Furthermore the hot, humid, horrible (3H!) summer began!!!!! You'll melt immediately. There's no way you could do any kind of sport outside. There are no public pools anywhere near here and I live in a quite rural place and don't have a car, so I AM somewhat limited!!!
I guess the only real choice I have is to try something I can do at home, in my tiny apartment.
Any suggestions??? :/ (Well, first I have to get healthy again, that is...)
(Note: Gyms are expensive and not close by => no car, no way!)
Something I wanted to write about in ages, but always forgot: ThE World Cup!!!!!!
I'm sure almost everybody watched it?????
Which country did you root for? Did you think it would end like that?
I talked A LOT about the World Cup with my coworkers and especially with my students!! :D
Japan is a soccer country after all! Although most students didn't really believe in their team (^-^'') .....
I heard a lot of good things and comments on Japanese TV and from other Japanese people about the German team, so although our young team couldn't win (again -.-') I think they showed quite a good performance! :D
Actually when I heard that so many "old stars" couldn't enter the competition for whatever reasons, even our captain, I was really worried at first! Nobody knew the strength of this team yet!!!
But NOW we know :D
And .. honestly, we didn't REALLY lose! I mean Germany is the team with the MOST GOALS in this year's World Cup!!!
And we're pretty much one of the most successful countries ever! It's true that Brazil won 5 times, Italy 4 times and we only 3 times, but if you count all top 4 wins (so who was how often nr. 1, nr. 2, etc.), Germany scored most often!!! That's because we always end up to be #3 (2010, 2006 etc.) or #2 (2002).... (^-^')>
Anyways, congratulations to Spain! It was their first World Soccer Cup win anyways :D
There were times when I wished I had small German flags or stickers during the World Cup! At least during those times, I wanna be able to show my nationality and cheer for my team properly!! ^-^;; .....
In other news I FINALLY updated my
Quite a huge update this time!! Make sure to check it out! Don't tell me later you missed something!!
And I hate the character limit here on LJ!!! At least paid accounts shouldn't have that!!!!
In a few days there's a reunion of high school graduates. I graduated from high school 10 years ago. Some of the people I haven't seen ever since then.
I'd love to go, but of course I CAN'T!! I'm in Japan, so there's no way! Some of my friends are going, though. I already told them that they need to tell me every little detail! XD
Last but not least: My Poupée month(s): June and July
June Bride Event:
Traditional in kimono :)
The bad sister that tries to steal the groom away or so? XD
Fairy Event:
I wasn't really a fairy, though XD
Little Red Riding Hood
It's getting hotter and hotter here! Time for some ice cream! (*___*)
And that's it for now!!!
A lot of whining again. I wish I could update about more interesting and happier things!
I don't like how things go lately. I hope it'll get better again from now on!!
Also, sorry that I'm sooooo late with answering comments, e-mails etc.!!! I tried to catch up a bit today, but couldn't completely finish and since my fever seems to come back I'm not sure what'll happen in the next few days.
Wish me luck (>_>'') .....