Thursday -> no water
Friday -> no water
Saturday -> no water (information came out that everybody would get back their water AT THE LATEST BY TUESDAY NEXT WEEK)
Sunday -> no water
Monday (today) -> no water (information came out that they won't be able to give us back our water by Tuesday and that it's more something like Wednesday or at the end of the month!!!!)
WTF!!!!! I'm really pissed by now!!! Not even an apology so far to all the people they cause trouble!!!!!
As you remember I was already desperate and pissed when I heard that I'd have to wait until Tuesday and now I have to wait even longer!!?? Or maybe I won't even get my water back before I leave for Germany???
Stop kidding! Seriously, you SUCK!!!!!!
People keep telling me that that's the first time this EVER HAPPENED IN HISTORY and blah ... well, great! Definitely a (Japan) experience I can live without!
At least I managed to wash my dishes yesterday although it took forever. AND I MANAGED TO WASH MY HAIR TODAY!! It felt great! (*-*)v
It was difficult but I was thinking about a good and "water-saving" method yesterday and I thought I finally figured something out so I tried it today and it worked. Not perfect and I still had to use a 100yen 2L water bottle, but oh well ......
You know those people in charge should at least give us an discount on our water bill for one month or something as compensation or something!! I've spent so much money because of all that already (have to buy food in the supermarket, can't cook, have to buy tons of water bottles etc. etc.)
I know I shouldn't complain. People died or had to leave their homes and all, but it's just SUPER ANNOYING TO NOT HAVE WATER FOR A WEEK OR EVEN LONGER!!!! Somebody made a mistake. They were taking it too lightly and that's why it came to this.
On the other hand it's an interesting experience (but one I don't really WANTED to have): living without running water!
It's interesting to see that you still can live and you get quite creative after some time. That's interesting. (Yeah, I try to be as positive as possible ...)
At work we talked about our status quo aka "Do you have water again?"
Everybody answered this question with "yes", but me -_________________-
"Oh, so you're the last one to get your water back?" *laughter*
Well, today was a day where many bad things, but also some good things happened.
As I wrote yesterday I had a gyno appointment today. I had to wait there for over 2 hours (yet again). There I always actually feel discrimination because they let people to the doctor before me although they came after me!
This time they didn't even let me see the doctor (well, I wanted to cancel the examination anyway and just wanted the prescription but they didn't know that yet ..... GAH!).
They gave me something and I sat back down. Usually they tell you what to do next, they didn't say anything to me.
In the end I could have left with what they gave me, but nobody told me!!!!!!!!! (Maybe they thought I wouldn't understand if they told me?!)
I sat there for 40 more min. until I figured it out by myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROAR!!!! *headdesk*
On the other hand I went to a really small drug store called 亀くすり" (Kame aka turtle drug store) to get my pills.
I've been there before and the old lady working their remembered me. She's sooooooooooooooooo~ polite (more than the usual "Japanese" politeness ... still "old school"-like I guess XD).
She thanked me 234234234 times for coming again to her drug store. Offered me cold tea, turned on the fan for me while I was waking, talked to me about the weather, gave me a huge tissue package as present and even apologized that I had to pay so much (as I got the pill for 6 months this time) - how awesome is that??? (*____*)v Haha~
Our school had water again today, but after dinner time it was stopped again (-___-'') ... that's when I already thought something is fishy. After that one of my students told me that she just saw in the news that they said they won't be able to give us back our water by Tuesday as promised. (-__-'')
Best thing that happened today:
That was a present from one of my conversation student.
She's a middle aged lady and very advanced in English. She went to Tokyo the other day and that was an omiyage. I expected the usual "food omiyage" but she got me this:
貝あわせ (kai awase) (note: those on the photos are not the ones I got, I already put them into my luggage, sorry XDDD)
It's an old Japanese game played during the Heian era. More info about it
I told her a few lessons ago that I'm still looking for souvenirs for my friends and family and that I think that 2 of these shells would be awesome, but I couldn't find them in our small city.
It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ cute and nice of her that she remembered that and GOT ME THOSE!!! They're not that cheap anyway. I'm really happy (;o;)v
Last but not least: Japan's chip flavor: crazy, interesting, yummie, funny, versatile
"Frankfurter Würstchen" flavor?!? XD It was not bad! Will buy again (*___*)v
Corn, yakisoba (yummie!), pizza, umeboshi etc. (*___*)v
And there's no end to it. (And here I wonder why I've gained 5kg since I came here XDDDDD~)
I'm sorry. I can't answer to all the new comments right now. It's late at night and usually I don't write entries so late or during a working day, but I was just so pissed, so I had to do a little rant (yet again).
Sorry about that (x___X)
Good night, good fight!