(no subject)

May 01, 2010 00:02

I have officially proven myself the queen of procrastination today. I have done absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. MWAHA. I love Fridays.

The main problem with this of course is the fact that my geography paper is due on Monday and it has to be handwritten. Apparently my teacher wants us to actually write pages and pages by HAND (the paper is mainly about global immigration/emigration, and specific historical points of  population/capital/trade flows compared to today's flows. I AM INTRIGUED.. NOT. Okay, it's not that bad, when I'm in a good mood it's actually interesting. But still. I can imagine better ways to spend my weekend). I am not happy about that. Anyway, the point is I have barely gotten the outline finished and I know I will end up regretting it on Sunday night but whatever.

Had a nice day at the barn today, the state championship started so everyone was away, I had the ring all to myself (did not make it to this championship either, no horse to show. AGAIN). There were 3 horses for me today so finished early, by 6pm I was waiting for my ride home. Saxon is troubling me a little with his flat work at the trot, some yielding exercises are proving tricky.. had a great canter though. This other horse called Pomerode is recovering from an injury to his right foreleg, he's already able to work normally but only for about 30min no more then that. And Garante, the most problematic horse I have ever met. The frog on all his hooves are sore, some type of inflammation, it's been ages and hasn't gone away yet. He's treating it but meanwhile there's nothing else to do, he only can't jump because the impact would cause him even more pain :( It looks awful though, one type of medicine we're using is a spray and it turns the frog a violent purple color.. actually it's purple all over his heels, lol. Anyway before this he's already had so many illnesses and soreness and this and that it's like he recovers from something and gets worse again because of something else.

My friend canceled on me today, we were supposed to go see the new Alice In Wonderland movie in 3D but she had some problems and couldn't. I will call up my friends from my old school and I swear we are going to meet up, once and for all. Cause we always say we will and never do. On Monday I do NOT have any exams yet *waves arms wildly in celebration, does jig* It is the second Monday since Feb that I don't have any tests, isn't that wonderful. I hate having to study on weekends, because I am a total procrastinator (didn't I say that already xD) and always leave everything til Sunday and go insane trying to get all the homework done and the information in my brain. Thankfully I absorb more during class while the teacher is talking and we're discussing so when I study I pretty much just remember and fixate it in an orderly fashion inside my head xD So yeah on Monday I will go out and do something, even if it turns out only to be the boring mall. They have great bookstores anyway.

Finally am posting a recipe for farofa :D It's quite easy to make and you can experiment with ingredients to see what you like best. My favorite is farofa de couve, that is, kale farofa. By the way, I totally messed up when I said it was bread flour (did I post that on here? I think I replied to bugbeary 's comment). It's cassava flour!! Though you can still use corn flour, I got that right :P The flaky type is best, the one that looks like raw corn flakes lol.

- 100g of thinly sliced kale (washed and dried)
- 2 cloves of garlic, crushed (I mean, really crushed, no big lumps)
- 1/2 onion, chopped smal
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoonfuls of oil (you can use olive oil but I think in this case the soy oil is just as good, or better)
- 1 cup of cassava flour
- Pinch of salt

Heat a pan. Add the oil. Sauté the garlic and onion (don't let the garlic burn or stick). When a nice golden color, add the kale and the pinch of salt. Sauté until the kale has lost all it's volume and is flat on the pan (lol couldn't think of a better way to say it. Need to brush up on my culinary terms). Crack the eggs in the pan, let them fry a little (like scrambled eggs). Turn off the stove and add the flour, mix until the eggs are fried but not too dry, mixing in the kale with the flour.

Serves 4.

I think that's pretty much it! I hope I didn't get anything wrong, trying to remember the last time I made this if we crack the eggs before or after turning off the stove but I think you can trust me on this one. It's just one of those paranoid things where you think it's wrong but it's really not. Lol. Let me know if anyone tries it.. I want to know what you think!

Also will post avocado "ice cream" recipe later. I love that thing. 

school, food, procrastination, friends, horses

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