(no subject)

Jul 02, 2010 11:06

The game's just started!!! Brazil x Netherlands. I am staying home today, just me and my parents watching together. Popcorn and Coke, what else do you need? After all, we like soccer and follow the Cup, but we're not complete fanatics. We have loads to do today after the game, too. Will elaborate on next entry, I'm going to finish that other post (lol I said I'd come back 'tomorrow' and it ends up being 3 days later. I really have been incredibly busy!)

Hope everyone's having a nice Friday! I didn't even have school today, so hopefully I'll get a lot of things done after the game :)

EDIT: Okay, 2 x 1 Netherlands and red card to Felipe Mello. Weeeeeeeeeee omigosh!!! It's turning into a massacre, hello, I think we're supposed to hit the BALL, not each other?!? Brazil has lost control. They are too damn proud of being 5 time winners and when they start to lose the game they lose their temper, too. Ridiculous. Dunga has to put Nilmar in and go for the tie, then see what he can do with that.

Will comment more on the game later!! It's gotten more exciting so I think I'll start paying attention now :P 

life, sports: soccer, world cup

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