Well, my Summer Reading Challenge turned into a complete disaster. I have really struggled to read over the past couple of months. It took me 6 weeks to read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo!!!
To make things worse, I have aquired loads of new books as well.
Anyway, the Fall Reading Challenge commences on September 1st and I've managed to fit in quite a few books that I want to read, so I am feeling quite optimistic. I did tell myself that I would only use the books that I have at home, but I've already broken that and borrowed a library book today especially for the challenge. Honestly, I have no willpower!
This is the list of the tasks for the Fall Challenge (several tasks are still to be announced)
http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/385219-fall-challenge-2010-tasks and this is my plan for the next 3 months reading
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhwWDy7qR2exdFZlelI1cDgzZExEcTlNbE5aQWxRS2c&hl=en_GB&authkey=CPCwgIkI Fingers crossed that I do better this season.