Nov 26, 2008 00:39
why? because there was a cockroach on the wall of the common staircase.
which incidentally is held by all of us as tenants-in-common. too much ltsa please.
moving on.
mommy stood between me and it and i tried to walk calmly up the stairs.
after i passed without incident, i looked back at it and it started flying around!!
okay i freaked out and bounded up the stairs.
think that must have been one of the fastest times i've ever reached my house!
and so the adrenaline is still pumping and now i think every shadow i see is another one. -.-
so anyway today i learnt a new way to drive to raffles city.
okay actually i took it before. the we will rock you day but i never knew exactly how to link.
it's actually just a straight road!
hahahas i feel nooby. :s
so back to the point. when i picked mommy up from raffles convention centre, it reminded me of grad night.
and i rmb the rush to find a dress, the makeup, the hair, the numerous pictures which are stashed away safely in my hard drive never to see the light of day again hahas.
and the nano case hy helped me buy and of course the flowers the guys got for us. (:
so sweet. (:
i love flowers. (:
oh yes, i rmb i said before that i want to walk home from town.
someday i shall take that looooong walk home.
and because class95 is on and say you say me is playing, i decided that it is a rather schizo song.
and i rmb that time when a taxi driver asked me whether i was sick of love songs because ne-yo's so sick of love songs was playing. hahahas so strange!
and i rmb that nice 15 bus driver of the last bus and that cute old indian couple that made me smile that tues after one particularly unpleasant episode with someone who used to be a friend.
and also that nice 154 uncle who made me smile with his silly comment. :D
okay this is a very random post.
why am i wasting my time here when i am wide awake.
back to uof v mutu jeras.
1st dec come soon please!
ooh daddy just cooked more green bean soup for me to eat tmr yayys!! :D