An incoherent review, a bigbang filter? And quote…

Jan 31, 2009 14:34

...all in one post. You lucky peps. lol

First I’ll get my ‘review’ out of the way…

I must be honest and admit that I was really looking forward and WANTING this episode to be good. And the verdict? *breaths a sign of relief* It was better than good. I enjoyed it very much! \o/
A handful of some of the good bits:

- Dean in gym shorts! \o/ *squee*
- Protective!Dean \o/ *more squee*
- Whump resulting in back road patching up and crotch cooling \o/ \o/ (Um…The made sense in my head.) lol WHAT? I said this was incoherent.

4.13 as a whole was a mixed bag of sweets for me. Some yummier than others but still sweet none the less.

The core of all my happiness and squee for this epi was around wee!Sam. Oh man, I want to smish him. Adorable! I thought the casting was perfect on many levels. Not just on the looks either, I mean even down to Sam’s facial expressions. I have a lot of love for that kid!

You may have noticed I haven’t mentioned teen!Dean in the same light and squee. That’s because I just…I donno, I think teen!Dean could have, SHOULD have been written a lot better. On characterisation he didn’t come across to me the adult Dean I know and love. *shrugs*
Oh and John! I missed him in this epi. It’s such as shame we didn’t get him back even just for a bit.

I think I’ll quit with the rambling for now.

NEXT WEEK?! Can’t come soon enough! \o/ I want MORE! LOL

BIG BANG - I was discussing this with tru_faith_lost and it will prob be a good idea to get a bigbang filter. I’ve never done either so, yeah…fun! This year is my first go at a cowrite and bigbang. I can’t say too much now about what I’m writing with tru_faith_lost but it’s BIG and DARK and apocalyptic! Hee! I can’t wait! If you’d like to be added, please let me know. If there’s enough interest I may go ahead with this filtering thing. =)

On other news - I’m behind a lil on flist. Newbies, *waves* still haven’t got round to greeting all of you, I’m coming. Also thanks to all those who let me some love. *blows kisses* You’re all awesome!

Have a great weekend! I’ll leave you with a quote:

You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice. ~Steven D. Woodhull

rl, episode review, filter, bigbang09, spn, tru_faith_lost, flist

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