Yesterday, Myself and co. ventured into the belly of the beast central London, for a lil shopping. I know, People + Saturday + Sales + after Christmas = we're MAD. * But I was in search for my yearly treat. Once or twice a year, I have got into a bad/terrible/unnecessary habit of going to a particular shop,
Harrods, and buying a good supply of some of the 'finest, freshest?' coffee beans. *smells the beans* Yep, they're very fresh! It's not that I don't drink any other coffees, working in an office leaves you no choice but to down some of the most disgusting beverages around. And I guess you could say, a coffee is a coffee, right? *shakes head* You ain't tried the beans I got right here. This is some good shit!
I also buy some 'of they're finest' green teas, which, I'm sipping right now. *coughs and spills some* Hmm Pure and organic, really nice.
The point of this post? There isn't one really....Let me continue...
I look at the bag, the packaging and think, well what exactly is it that I'm purchasing? Good quality? Presentation? Name and badge? The service maybe? ("Are these to your liking madame?" he holds out beans, "Would you like them ground?" hehehe It's funny the level service you get when they THINK you have money, I played along very well... lol)
Well, I guess its a bit of everything, probably more so the name. I'm not superficial like that with names and stuff and I really don't spend that much there (mainly cause, I can't afford to) but I see it as a treat, for me. *nods* And you know, why not?
I say theres nothing wrong with a lil treat now and then. Go on, indulge a lil in the things you like, whether its coffee, tea, jelly, cherries, chocolate, DEAN, whatever it may be.... *Inhales coffee aromas deeply* I know, I certainly will.
---> A little interesting coffee fact: Tea leaves do contain more caffeine than coffee beans. However when brewed into a beverage a cup of coffee will generally have 3X the amount of caffeine than a same sized cup of tea. However caffeine values for both beverages vary widely depending on the type of beans/leaves used and the brewing method as well as the amount of beans/leaves used.
Dork? Yes I am.
*I wont mention the bus incident. But people ARE crazy!