Puppet Food Part 3

Nov 01, 2007 03:20

Title: Puppet Food (9 - 12)

Summary: Bruised, tired and mentally exhausted from their previous hunt, the boys decide to take a break before they look for the next one. Unfortunately for them, their next hunt finds them first. Contains mature material.

Characters/Pairings: Gen, Dean, Sam, Sam/OMC, OMCs


Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: *sigh* No, I Still don’t own them, I don’t own much, in fact there have been questions surrounding the ownership of my mind. However, saying that, any characters you don’t recognize have been derived from my head.

Warnings: Violence, graphic descriptions, Strong language, slight noncon (if you squint), Dark fic

Author’s Note: This was originally posted it on Fanfiction.net. Now, this is just one of the many ideas in this crazy head of mine, it’s a ‘Vamp fic’ with a twist. Without giving too much away, there will be Sam and Dean Angst, but mostly Sammy and more protective Dean. Basically Sam's on the menu. They like to play with their food first….

It’s a bit of a slow start but will pick up quickly. It's another a long story (around 45,800 words in total) so I have arranged/grouped the chapters together make it a bit more manageable to read. It's complete so I'll post the rest in a few days. Reviews are very welcome!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)

My knife - its sharp and chrome
Come see inside my bones
All of the fiends are on the block
I’m the new king, Ill take the queen
cause in here were all anaemic
In here - anaemic and sweet...so...

Deftones - Knife Party

When the youngest Winchester woke the very first thing that hit him was pain. It started at the crown of his head, penetrated its way through to the back of his neck while the violently building pressure absorbed him, it was almost unbearable. As he fought through the pain the main thing that floated through his mind was that he couldn’t pass out again, not now. Not when he had no idea what could happen to him should he fall into the darkness.

"De...Ahh…Dean" He began, panting as panic set in.

He hadn’t even attempted to open his eyes yet, but the need to do so tugged at him. He knew that he was no longer in the motel room. There was a musty, thick smell in the air, Sam took short sharp breaths, his long lashes fluttering as they began to part. The room was surprisingly dark but apparently not dark enough as his eyes immediately shut upon seeing the small flickering candle lights.

"Hush" Sam jerked his head to the side towards the voice, he held his breath and attempted to open his eyes once more. Through his slightly parted lids, he nervously observed a tall dark figure walking toward him. Sam’s chest tightened, something didn’t feel right. He couldn’t move, but he wasn’t restrained with any obvious instruments. Another attempt to move left him panting hard.

"Who?...What do you want?" The young hunter’s questions came out as a desperate whimper, it seemed that was all he could manage.

"You really should relax, you’re going to RUIN IT!" The last words came out harshly causing the young Winchester to flinch. The man cleared his throat and sat on the bed, proceeding to run his hand through Sam’s locks.

"Try not to get worked up huh? It will be so much harder if you do, plus it’ll spoil the taste." Sam watched in horror while the pale man before him licked his top lip before sniggering.

"Please…just…my brother’s gonna hunt you down…just let me go…I…" Sam groaned through another bout of pain that shot through his head.

"Ah Sam, now what did I tell you about getting worked up? you’re only making it more painful for yourself. Don’t try to fight it, if I wanted you dead, you would be…look…I’m not going to kill you or even turn you, I’m just … relax. Okay!" The pale man stood sharply and remained at the top of the bed.

"What are you?" Sam asked, he exhaled and tried to calm himself.

The man before him tilted his head and sneered in disappointment. "As a hunter Sam, I thought you already knew about us, well how shall I put it, I’m into...blood sports, Sammy." He lifted his shoulders and raised his hands. "Yeah well, it seems like your little mind thing makes it easier for me."

Sam’s face scrunched in confusion, this didn’t really make sense, he had thought they were dealing with vampires.

"You are!" The pale man replied and walked around to stand at the foot of the bed. The shadowy man placed his hand over his mouth mimicking a shocked expression. "What?...how did you?...did you just.. Yes Sam, I just read your thoughts."

Sam groaned again, black spots appeared before him and he felt as though he may truly pass out this time.

"I said relax! What is with you humans?!? This," He pointed to his head. "This takes practise, it usually only works when I feed …but you…" He bit his lip and smirked.

"You’re special, I felt that before I even set eyes on you. I can read you when I’m not feeding, but it appears you’re already taken by something. I may not able to turn you. I don’t want trouble, but there’s no harm in …err …Having a little taste…"

Sam pressed his lips together and breathed deeply through his nose, he fought past the wave of nausea.

"Okay. Enough talk. Be still Sam, unfortunately for you, this is going to hurt." The tall man pressed a razor blade across the young hunter’s bare chest, his eyes widened at the sight of the red liquid that seeped from the small incision.

The last few things that Sam felt before passing out were the piercing shots of pain caused from tiny, but multiple incisions that began at his chest and moved down to his inner thigh, bile rose up in his throat and grit his teeth before his body lost the will and he passed out.


"Stupid bitch …I would have been here earlier dude, some chick having issues wi…Sam?!?"

Dean dropped the bags when he saw the empty bed, "Sam!"

His heart raced while he moved quickly towards the bathroom.

‘Damn it, not again!’

Dean paced the room, looking for any signs to his brother’s whereabouts. Upon seeing his brother’s Jeans and cell phone on the bedside table he panicked even more. There may not have been signs of struggle, but he knew Sam had been taken. He would never have left without his cell or without a note.


Dean concentrated on keeping calm, he could feel his anger boiling within him.

"Tristan." He breathed out viciously.

Without a second thought, Dean raced out of the door towards the Impala. An angry Dean was never a good thing, especially when it came to his family, namely his brother. After a large number of unanswered calls to Tristan’s cell, followed by a number of violent and threatening voice messages, Dean had gone back into the café and obtained directions to Tristan’s home.


He may not have been told the exact location, but Dean was prepared to knock on every door. Hell, he would knock down every door at this point. He was pissed, it worried him as to what he may do to Tristan should he find him.

It was at that point that he heard his cell ring. With lightning speed he checked the caller ID and immediately answered.

"Sammy? Where are you? Are you hurt?"

"Deee…Dean please…I’m at the motel, I err…hurry, just get here soon…"

Dean was already on his way towards the car, he listened as Sam whimpered on the other end.

"I’m coming Sammy…I’ll be there any minute now…"


Dean shot out of the car, keys in hand and headed straight for the door to their motel room. It had only been eight minutes since Sam had called. It surprised him how quickly he managed to get back, but somehow it still didn’t feel quick enough.

It had been eight minutes that Sam needed him, eight minutes more that his little brother had been missing. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself. Dean turned the key and handle of the door while applying pressure to push it open.

His eyes scanned the room. "Sammy?"

He stepped in and shut the door behind him. Not seeing Sam straight away, his guard was up, while his hand had already made its way to hover over his gun that was tucked in the back of his jeans. Dean noticed the light in the bathroom, he rushed toward the slightly ajar door and slowly, but cautiously slid it open.

"Hey, Sammy?" He spoke softly, trying not to startle Sam.

He let out a sympathetic sigh while he observed the sight before him. Dean crouched down next to his partially clothed brother. Sam was curled in on himself with his arms gripped around his legs and his head rested against his knees. The older Winchester placed his hand on Sam’s hunched shoulder, and withdrew immediately when Sam flinched and moved away.

"It’s okay Sammy, I’m here."

"De…" Sam inhaled another sob and attempted to raise his head up toward the familiar voice. He only managed to bring his face up and place it into his hands.

Dean delicately put his hand on Sam’s shoulder.

"It’s gonna be okay… You’re safe now…" Dean appeared slightly relieved when his brother accepted the touch.

"Come on, let’s get you cleaned up huh?" Dean asked taking in the numerous nicks and cuts over his brother’s back, arms and legs.

‘Whoever did this is going to pay.’ Dean thought.

He began calculating the plans of how he would make sure the thing that did this to Sam would die. This was personal. He decided that it would be a slow, terrible and excruciating death for hurting his baby brother.

His attention was brought back to Sam who groaned miserably to himself.

"Let me help you to bed. I’ll get you cleaned up there." Dean carefully placed his hands on Sam’s arm and hugged his brother into his hold. He gently lifted him to his feet and wrapped his other hand around Sam’s waist.

"Sorry Sammy…Nearly there" Dean gritted his teeth and tried to take more of Sam’s weight. He felt his little brother’s body tremble and shiver with exhaustion.

"I gotcha…Come on"


Dean gently placed Sam onto his bed, he held him for a moment to make sure he could sit up on his own.

"Hang on, I’m gonna do your back first, then you can lay back, okay?"

Dean shot up and rushed into the bathroom again. He quickly gathered a small towel along with the first aid kit that he was glad they had brought in earlier. He would have hated to leave his brother alone even a second longer.

Sam hadn’t moved from the position Dean had left him in. He was hunched over with his head hung low.

"Don’t worry Sammy, we’ll figure this out…I’m gonna patch you up and you can tell me what happened." Dean stopped when he saw his brothers eyes widen with fear.

"S’okay Sam, take your time, you can tell me what you remember and we’ll piece all this together." Dean spoke reassuringly and placed the cotton ball soaked with antiseptic against one of the many cuts on Sam’s back.

When Sam flinched he bit his lip and cursed under his breath, "Sorry."

Dean watched his brother’s actions, Sam kept his head low and seemed not quite ‘with it.’

"Sammy I do need to ask you something. I need you to try and remember. Did the things bite you anywhere, was there any blood contact?"

Dean focussed on his brother’s sullen face for an answer, Sam remained still, he released a tear that bounced onto to the blanket covering the bed, after receiving no vocal answer and assuming that as a response, Dean’s mind began to race and he panicked.

"Okay. It’ll be okay... we’ll err… we’ll figure this out, and call Bobby! Yeah there’s a solution, it’s not too late!" Dean rubbed his hand over his mouth.

"Shit!" Before he could move, he felt Sam’s tight grip on his wrist.

"He…" Sam swallowed. "He didn’t bite me…I’m not infected…" Sam’s gaze fell back down toward the bed.

Dean almost relaxed under his brother’s touch. His heart rate slowed as he processed what Sam had said, that had been one of the main fears for his brother, Sam wasn’t infected. He would be fine, he could fix this It was through these thoughts that he asked himself another question.

‘what the hell have they done to Sam? If they didn’t turn him then why…’

"Sam, why did they do this to you?" Dean pointed toward some of the wounds, his hand hovering over them as he voiced his thoughts and continued to tend to his brother’s injuries.


Sam turned away from his brother’s gaze.

"Not they, he! There was only one." Sam sniffed. "it..he wanted to … I don’t know what he wants from me." Sam sucked in another breath and moaned. "But I know why... I think." Sam turned and faced his brother with needy eyes .

"He knew Dean!...He …he knew about me…and my shining… the demon…everything... He could read my thoughts." Sam shook his head as more tears poured and spilled over his cheeks.

"… I couldn’t move Dean! …and he…"

The tears were freely flowing now as the youngest Winchester gave into his emotions.

"What did he do…?"

‘What the hell he do to you, Sammy?’ Dean’s thoughts left a sour taste in his mouth. Part of him didn’t like the possibilities to the answer of that question. He suddenly felt sick to his stomach and tried his best to concentrate on his main priority.

He watched helplessly as his brother fell apart. Dean cursed again under his breath several times.

"Shh… It’s gonna be okay Sammy"


Sam felt somewhat ‘safe,’ now that Dean was beside him. As long as things remained that way, he knew it would be okay. He trusted Dean with his life and knew his older brother would never let anything happen to him.

Sam had managed calm himself, with Dean’s help. He lay on his sore back while he allowed his brother to tend to his wounds. They stung like hell, he would never have thought that tiny little cuts could hurt so much.

Sam had been hurt plenty of times before, sporting some very serious injuries. Not that this was the worst, but it would be high up there. The cuts were small and fine but every movement caused them to widen and spilt open further, it just was surprised him how much these tiny cuts hurt, it also probably had to do with the fact that there were so many of them, it felt like his skin was on fire.

When he stopped thinking about the pain, all the other thoughts and memories plagued his already fragile mind. Sam knew he would have to think about what had happened eventually, but it was too soon. He wanted to push this to the back of him mind and leave it there, preferably forever.

Sam’s mind, however, had other plans. The young Winchester tried his best to fight off fatigue but his weakened body wouldn’t hold out any more and he drifted off to a sub-conscious state…

"Good to see you awake again. I was beginning to think you would miss out on all the fun." The tall man stood over Sam who lay rigid in the bed below.

"Oh, that was just ahh mmm…So good Sam!" Sam swallowed the build up of saliva in his mouth, he watched the man lick his fingers.

"I’ll tell you, I could get used to this…have you whenever I want…feed off you…you have so much…goodness!" The tall stranger placed his hand on his chin.

"It’s time to go back…until next time that is…" He smirked.

"There wont be a next time you son of bitch, wait till my brother gets you…You’ll be gone before you know what hit you!" Sam spoke with venom and ground his teeth with anger.

"No. You see, you’re wrong Sam, I can get into your head, whenever I want. I can make you come to me… there’s nothing that you can do to stop me…"

Sam breathed heavily while the man drew in closer to his face.

"He hurts me, I hurt you. That’s just the way it works Sammy." The man drew in a lingering breath and grasped Sam’s chin roughly. He slid his tongue out toward Sam’s face. Sam grimaced and fought away from him.

"Fuck You! He’ll slice your head clean off!"

"Now, now Sam, there’s no need for that!"

Sam fought harder only to find his body was yet again helplessly frozen, he squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that when he opened them everything that was happening would just disappear. When he opened his eyes, unfortunately, that was not the case as he was still on the same bed frozen in his own body.




"Shh, I’m right here Sam, you’re just dreaming." Dean held onto Sam’s shoulders. He searched his brother’s eyes.

"Sam, what were you dreaming about?"

Dean desperately looked to see if Sam was fully awake and understanding him, he had been trying to wake Sam for a good five minutes.

"Dean…you… you can’t leave me kay?... I can’t be alone… he’ll make me go…he’ll take me again." Sam panted, out of breath from speaking.

Dean shook his head. "I won’t leave Sam, he’s not coming near you again, I’ll make sure of that."


"Lucas, where’ve you been?" Tristan took a long pull off his cigarette before quickly scrunching it into the ash tray. He stood up from the small table near the window and walked towards his brother.

"Lucas?" Tristan went to grab the older man before he walked away. "Hey! Man, I asked you something!"

The older man roughly shoved the hand off and walked away from the nagging voice.

"Piss off Tristan!"

"I’ve been trying to call you! Anthony has requested you. He didn’t sound happy about something, and it looks like the hunters are going to cause us trouble…" Tristan stopped and looked into his brothers eyes for a long moment.

"Shit! What have you done?...You fed didn’t you? Why are you hiding it from me…you know you can’t block me out, don’t make me dig for it. I will if I have to!" Tristan spoke lightly and followed the older man into the small darkened room.

Tristan tried to grab hold of the other man again, but was caught of guard when he was shoved hard against the wall.

"Stay the fuck out of my head and out of my business! Don’t make me say that again, Tristan!"

Lucas shoved the younger man harder against the wall before he released his collar. Tristan slid down slightly before he straightened his shirt and tried to slow and calm his panting, he stared daggers into the back of the man as he walked back into the room before slamming the door shut.


He failed Sam. Again. Their last hunt had gone ...well that hadn't gone so well and now this one wasn't going according to plan either and it seemed like his little brother was paying the price yet again.

Dean sat at the foot of the bed watching over the younger Winchester. He had been seated there, in the same position for over forty minutes now and his aching thigh warned him that he should get up or at least switch positions. He began to feel the second wave of pins and needles that caused a warm, yet uncomfortable sensation to travel through his legs.

Dean ignored these feelings. Sam needed him, his little brother needed the connection, needed to feel safe and protected. So Dean had done what came naturally, he would protect Sam to the end. With his body tense, rigid and on guard, his mind continued planning their next move.


Sam kept his eyes closed. He was not asleep and had no intentions to either. Sleep was not safe. sleep detached him from the one person he could trust and right now he really needed his brother. He felt Dean close to him on the bed and that was almost enough for his body to give into the pending fatigue.

An hour later, possibly more, he couldn’t tell, his heart almost stopped when the bed dipped momentarily and Dean stood up. Using his hearing and the silence of the room, Sam focussed on his brother’s movements, listening for any signs of danger. He heard the TV turn on to a low hum in the background, followed by the recognisable beep of the laptop starting up and with that he released a sigh that he camouflaged as a slight stir, pulling the covers up higher.

A Yawn forced its way through him. Sam was tired, his body felt weak and achy not to mention that the Ibuprofen Dean had given him an hour ago had already peaked and began to drain from his system. Everything hurt, his head, his back, his stomach, come to think of it, there wasn’t any part of his body he didn’t feel a dull throbbing pain in.

The younger Winchester’s mind hovered over his encounter with the vampire, well at least that’s what he thought it was. Sam swallowed hard. He still wasn’t ready to re-live that memory. The thought of it alone made him groan.

"You need anything?" Sam lifted his head as his eyes slit open slightly to see Dean smile back at him. "What?...I know you’re not asleep Sam, come on man, I can almost hear you thinking." Dean chuckled to himself.

The oldest brother straightened his face and drew his attention back Sam’s confused, and what appeared to be troubled, gaze.

"Hey, you wanna talk about it... You know, what happened?…" Dean gently asked.

Sam shook his head and turned away. Dean watched his brother’s reaction and sighed to himself.

"Okay… well ... How are you feeling? You want something to eat...drink?"

Sam continued to stare at the wall, away from his brother’s eyes.

"Sam?" Dean asked, slightly confused by his brother’s behaviour.

"Don’t leave me alone Dean?... Please…What he did, I Can’t take it again, if he gets me …I…" Sam stopped when his voice faded away and was replaced a hiccupped sob.

"Hey." Dean stood and walked over to Sam. He stood in front of his brother and bent down to look at his face.

"Hey, listen I’m not going to leave you Sam, and this Vampire thing, whatever the fuck it is, will be dead before he sees me coming. He’ll pay for whatever he’s done to you…" Dean looked at Sam’s face to see if his little brother was taking it all in.

"That’s a promise Sammy…" Dean rubbed a hand across his mouth. "And … err…when you’re ready to talk …you know …about whatever happened… you know you can always talk to me man…I can tell something’s really bothering you…I…" Sam cleared his throat, stopping his brother from completing the sentence.

"Thanks Dean." Sam tried to sit up, but his body protested at the sudden movement and he slid back down to the previous position.

"Watch yourself…" Dean grabbed Sam and placed a hand gently on his back while he helped him onto pillows that he began to ruffle together so his brother could sit up slightly.

The younger Winchester grunted and nodded his thanks, he discretely and unconsciously ushered him away. Dean backed up and impatiently rubbed his hands over his Jeans. Sam realised what he had done and immediately felt guilty when he watched Dean retreat.

"Actually Dean, I am pretty hungry…" Sam released a soft sideways grin.

"It’s cold, but still edible...I think." Dean smirked and walked away toward a bag near the door. After picking it up, he went back over to Sam.

"I may even have something in here you may like …" Dean rummaged through the bag intensely, pulled out a bottle of fruit juice, followed by two caramel topped flapjacks.

"Chick food, your favourite!" He released a quick grin as he ducked a cold fry that flew past his head.



Both brothers sat on their beds and ate, Dean devouring his once hot burger, with extra onions, while Sam took a couple of bites from the mildly warm burger that he chewed several times before swallowing.

He looked down at the remainder, wrapped it back up and went for the juice and a few bites of the flapjack. While his stomach grumbled greedily at the food that came slowly. He grimaced as he swallowed, he may have felt hungry physically, but his mind told him otherwise and he felt very nauseous at ingesting anymore than he needed to.


When Dean finished, he washed his mouthful down the last of his Pepsi and belched loudly.

"Nice, Dean. Thanks." Sam grimaced, only adding to his queasiness.

"You’re welcome." Dean smiled ,proud and satisfied.

He then went towards the laptop, picked it up, and took it over to Sam’s bed.

"I found a little more about these fucking creatures. Now there are a few legends of vampires, Dracula… who have had mind power over their victims, getting them to draw closer, lay still etcetera, but…" Dean tilted his head and twisted his screen to show Sam the display. "Things just don’t tie up. For one, the patterns of the victims in this town, seems …I don’t know, I’m gonna call Bobby on this one…" Dean stood and reached his hand into his pocket for his phone. He watched Sam’s eyes anxiously follow him. "Until we figure out what or how this thing has control, I’m not letting you out of my sight, sorry bro…we’re Siamese twins remember?" Dean winked at Sam who relaxed at his words.

Sam sighed.

"God, Dean it’s conjoined…conjoined twins" He playfully shook his head.


"Thanks Bobby, let me know as soon as you find out anything else." Dean slid his phone shut and spun around to face Sam.

"Well Bobby has managed to shed a lot of light on our ‘physic’ vampires, I tell you, that man is a walking encyclopedia." Dean smiled as he sat facing Sam on the end of the young Winchester’s bed.

"Turns out that these type of vamps have been around for a while, some date back to as far as two hundred years ago. From what Bobby said, he thinks there aren’t many of them left and they tend to travel in small groups and have one prominent leader, usually the eldest…" Dean paused and brought his leg up onto the bed. He watched Sam for a moment to see if his brother was following.

"Now if we can find the leader and destroy him, Bobby thinks we have a real chance of getting rid of the lot…" Dean stopped with a look of concern, the information seemed to by going straight through Sam as he remained with the same blank expression.

"Hey…" Dean snapped his fingers in front of Sam’s face. Sam snapped out of his gaze and cleared his throat, "Sorry, you were saying?"

"Talk to me man, I need you to help me out on this too. I gotta know what’s going on in that head of yours…" Dean lightly slapped Sam’s thigh after which he grimaced when he saw his brother’s face scrunch up in pain.

"Sorry Sammy" Dean’s hands hovered over Sam’s shoulders unsure if he could touch him without causing any further discomfort.

Sam looked into his brothers concerned eyes, he was so grateful for Dean’s presence, but still, he felt himself disconnecting. It was completely unintentional and it seemed to be his body’s and mind’s way of coping with what had happened. Sam closed his eyes for a long moment. He swallowed the thoughts along with the bile that rose in his throat.

"Sammy, you okay?" Dean stood as he watched Sam’s face pale. He knew that look and what was to follow, his hand immediately went for the trash can in-between the beds. Sam lowered his head and began taking unsteady, deep breaths. He kept his eyes closed and concentrated on overcoming the sensation. He swallowed several times before he spoke.

"I’m good… I think." A minute later Dean relaxed his tense position and placed the trash can back to the ground. Sam nodded to emphasize that he was truly over his nauseous phase.

Sam kept his head low, but could feel Dean’s eyes on him.

"I must have eaten too fast, I think I just need to rest." With that he began to lower his frame towards the pillows.

Dean moved closer and made sure Sam had a comforted landing. Dean returned to Sam’s side with a glass in one hand and two pills held out on the other. His offer was unspoken and the two watched each other for a moment before Sam took the pills and placed them in his mouth, With Dean’s help he lifted his head to wash them down with some water.

Dean lowered Sam once again. He nodded and pulled the covers over his brother.

‘I’ll give you your time, Sammy, but you’d better talk about whatever’s bothering you sooner or later.’ The unspoken thoughts went through Dean’s mind as he watched little bother’s eyes slowly close.


Dean bit his bottom lip, got up and walked to the end of the room and back again. He stopped on the second round and stopped to watch Sam’s ‘sleeping’ form. Sam had been laying silently for about two hours, and Dean had managed to come up with a plan for the next move. That however, was not his main concern at the moment.

Dean sat down again and brought the laptop to his thighs. His leg bobbed up and down causing the screen to jitter with the movement. He concentrated on the screen, trying to read the words in front of him.

"Damn it!" he cursed under his breath and quickly stood up again. Dean went to stand at the bathroom door and looked over the two beds, namely to the bed where Sam lay.

He mentally began measuring the distance and view from the bathroom door. Dean walked into the small, lit room and popped his head out again to look at the position of his brother. He went into the bathroom and pushed the door shut slightly. A split second later he felt himself panic, his heart rate picking up almost immediately at not being able to see Sam. This wasn’t going to work.

"Dean?" Sam asked calmly, his eyes still closed. The response Sam got was a grunt to which he slid one eye open over to where Dean stood between the beds and bathroom door.

"What is it Dean?" Sam opened both eyes and shifted his weight to his side.

"Nothing!" Dean answered quickly. Sam watched Dean’s face distort, followed by a suppressed groan.

"Dean?" there was concern in Sam’s voice as he tried to sit up.

"Okay, here’s the thing, I really gotta go," The older Winchester tilted his head towards the bathroom. "And I gotta have you in view." Dean pressed his lips together, "Well at least, I gotta hear your still in this side of this room."

Sam nodded he understood that perfectly, but what he thought strange was that Dean had a problem with going with the door open. That was something, much to Sam’s annoyance, that he did on occasion, usually when he was too drunk to care. The two stared at each other for brief moment, hoping they could communicate without words. Well that’s what Dean had hoped. So much for this ‘Siamese’ thing.

Sam, however wasn’t on the same page. He lifted his brow in question to the next move.

"This is really awkward dude." Dean started, then cleared his throat. "I gotta …you know.. make a deposit." The oldest Winchester muttered quietly.

Sam made a face as he processed Dean’s ‘dilemma.’ "Uh...oh!" Sam clued in.

"Yeah! You see my problem..." Dean widened his eyes before continuing. "So, I thought you could sit there by the table, your back faced to me, and that way I can see you from the bathroom with the door a crack open." Dean wore a serious, but desperate face as he gestured towards the table.

Sam nodded, the truth was, he didn’t care what Dean would suggest as long as they remained in each others view, it was all that mattered, even if it did cause a little embarrassment.

"Yeah sure. Sure, I can do that." He went to sit up, wincing as he felt the skin on one if his cuts pull at the movement. Dean took hold of Sam’s shoulder and began the walk over to the table.

Once Sam was seated, Dean rushed the laptop over to the table before dashing into the bathroom.

"I’ll be out in… in a bit…" Dean spat out his words quickly.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Ri..ght Dean… I guess I should get comfortable then…"


The phone vibrated across the table in front of him. It was followed by the loud tune of Dean’s ring tone. He watched it move towards the end of table. He went to turn his head back to Dean, who was still in the bathroom.

"Dude, turn around! Can you get that phone? ... It’s probably Bobby!" Sam snapped his head back quickly, and thankfully at Dean’s order. That wasn’t a sight he wanted to see again.

He picked up the phone and stared at the screen flashing ‘Bobby’.

"Hey Bobby…"

"Sam? … Is everything okay? Where’s Dean?" Bobby’s voice began to race.

"Yeah, we’re okay, Dean’s err…not able to come to the phone at the moment." Sam smirked as he heard Bobby sigh.

"Okay, well, I found some more information. It’s not uncommon for the group of vamps to have a human, a gofer, someone they use to get information to use for their needs and stuff. Now, this person will usually be young, working nights and have a marking on their body. Find him and you can find the lot!" Bobby took a deep breath.

"Sam? … Make sure you stay with Dean at all times okay?" Bobby waited to hear if the younger Winchester was still listening, it had been quiet on his end for a few minutes now.


"Sorry. Yeah Bobby I hear ya…"

"Is that brother of yours out of the bathroom yet?" As if on queue, the unmistakable sound of water flushing could be heard, followed by Dean calling out to Sam.

"Yeah he’s just coming Bobby…" Sam chuckled.

Playfully, the older Winchester dropped the hand towel over Sam’s head and grabbed the phone from his loose grip.


Dean had received all the information, plus more about what they might have wanted with Sam from Bobby. The older hunter had not wanted to upset the fragile sounding youngest Winchester while they were on the phone.

Dean was reeling when he got off the phone, it wasn’t directed to Sam or Bobby for being the messenger, he was just mad. The brothers shared their thoughts and concluded that they knew and had already met the ‘human gofer.’

With that in mind, they prepared themselves for an encounter with Tristan, who in Dean’s mind would have a lot of explaining to do.

"I don’t care whether he’s human or a vampire! As far as I’m concern he’s still a little piece of shit! And he will pay for involving you Sam!" Dean checked his weapon for the fifth time, he was nervous for his brother’s safety, but the anger overtook all his emotions and he gestured to Sam towards the door.

Sam stood with his hands in his pocket. It was the only thing that would keep his hand from trembling, that and the fact he hand his hand gripped onto his gun.

"Shit!" Dean raised his head and ran his hand over his face before he met the concerned and now scared looking younger brother.

"If we’re gonna be here for a bit, we’re gonna have to hustle us some money tonight." Dean sighed and went to open the door.

Sam nodded, it was all he could do at the moment, his voice would come out too weak, not to mention he was afraid to open his mouth without throwing up. The younger hunter followed Dean, he stood close to the left of his brother as he did when they were younger.

Sam had been so deep in his thoughts that he crashed into his brother’s side when Dean had abruptly stopped. His gaze fixed on the man being served at the desk. He ushered himself and his brother out of view as they watched his movements. It was then that Sam recognised the man’s identity.


puppet food, fanfic, fic, angst

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