Stomach bug? COMPLETE

Dec 28, 2007 00:48

Title: Stomach Bug? Complete story

Summary: Sam is sick with what appears to be a stomach bug, Dean must find out what it is as the situation gets worse. Mystery and angst in this...also contains graphic scenes

Characters/Pairings: Gen, Dean, Sam, Mild Dean/OC, other OCs

Author: chocca2

Rating: NC-17 (maybe higher in later chapters)

Disclaimer: *sigh* No, I don’t own them, I don’t own much, in fact there have been questions surrounding the ownership of my mind. However, saying that, any characters you don’t recognize have been derived from my head.

Warnings: Violence, graphic descriptions, Strong language, Dark fic

Author’s Note: This was done a while ago (we're talking about a year ago now) so its set around season one. It was my first SN fanfic and I originally posted it on It's quite a long story (around 30,000 words in total) so I have arranged/grouped the chapters together make it a bit more manageable to read. Reviews are very welcome!

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)

stomach bug, fanfic, fic-list

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