Dec 14, 2004 15:50
--> b a s i c s .
[x] name: Laura
[x] nicknames: Lu, Loof, Goof, Quantity, Location, "My 16-year-old pet", "Laura my love"
[x] screen name: DeathxRocker88
[x] sex: Female
[x] birthday: 9 February 1988
[x] height: 5'4
[x] hair color: It's black now :-D
[x] is your hair long or short: On the long side
[x] eye color: Blue
[x] city born in: Salem
[x] parents married/divorced: Divorced
[x] who are your closest friends: Dorothy, Taker, Ang, Mandy, Chadder...
[x] who makes you laugh the most?: Joe!
[x] who knows the most about you?: Um, me?
--> G i v e O n e M e m o r y F r o m . . .
[x] kindergarten: Playing hopscotch and sandbox with Ang!
[x] 1st Grade: Stabbing Terry Wright-McDonald in the shoulder with a pencil (and actually breaking the skin :-D)
[x] 2nd Grade: Going to Disney World for the 1st time
[x] 3rd Grade: Cutting off about 15 inches of my hair so I could look tomboy-ish
[x] 4th Grade: Getting my finger shut in a door in school and having to be hauled off by an ambulance
[x] 5th Grade: First public solo ("Who Will Buy" from Oliver)
[x] 6th Grade: Nature's Classroom fieldtrip in NH! Hahahaha :-D
[x] 7th Grade: Tripping over a hurdle in track and scraping both elbows and knees almost to the bone
[x] 8th Grade: Having a leading role in the school play
[x] 9th grade: I'm corrupted
[x] 10th grade: Dated a 23 year old
[x] 11th grade: My car accident :(
[x] 12th grade: Not there yet
--> o t h e r .
[x] do you have a job: Yep
[x] what are you scared of: Losing someone close to me
[x] who's your role model: Nobody
[x] what store do you shop at the most: Starbucks (does that count?)
[x] have you ever done any drugs: Uhumm...
[x] do you collect anything: Nope
[x] are you a ditz: I'm fairly intelligent but have momentary lapses like most everyone.
--> f a v o r i t e s .
[x] day of the week: Saturday, I guess (even though I have to work)
[x] thing in your room:
[x] cousin: I love all my cousins
[x] cd: "Confessions" by Ill Nino, "Silence" by Blindside, "Infiltrate-Destroy-Rebuild" by CKY
[x] song(s): Too many
[x] animal: Cats...*purr*
[x] ice cream: Mint-chocolate chip
[x] drink: Coffee
[x] thing to do: Read, drive, waste my time on my LJ, see my friends obs...
[x] movie of all time: Rocky Horror Picture Show! ("Give yourself over to absolute pleasure....!")
[x] hangout: Sputnix, Denny's (har har), Mag Rock
[x] pizza topping: I used to *LOVE* mushroom and salami...but now that I've discovered Bertucci's Carmine pizza, all that has changed :)
--> r a n d o m .
[x] where do you see yourself in 10 years: Where would I like to see myself, or where do I see myself? I like to see myself as a criminal profiler for the FBI, but that's not very realistic. I see myself having just graduated college, off my meds, and still alone and depressed out of my fucking head.
[x] if you could live anywhere: Italy or La Argentina
[x] dream house: Mansion with an indoor & outdoor pool, a sauna, hot tub, pool table, gaming room, and people waiting on me hand and foot. Then again, that's why it's called a "dream house."
[x] what age do you want to get married: I'm unsure at this point
[x] how many kids do you want: 3
[x] girl's names: Julia, Melissa, Charlotte
[x] boy's names: Alex, Christopher, Jacob
--> h a v e Y O U e v e r .
[x] been in love?: Yesh
[x] lied?: Yes
[x] cheated on a test?: Perhaps
[x] cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Once, but he deserved it.
[x] tied your shoes together?: No, my intelligence is a few steps above that of our president, thanks.
[x] eaten something with a lot of fat?: I recently found out that a Starbucks eggnog latte has approx 1,300 calories in it (how do I know? I work at one)
[x] had sex?: Yesh
--> f e e l i n g s .
[x] worst feeling in the world: It's a tie between rejection/low self-esteem, and realizing someone you love is dead
[x] best feeling in the world: To love and be loved in return
[x] define love in one word: "Indescribable"...literally.
[x] do you get along with your parents?: HA!
[x] are you ticklish?: Yes. Don't tell anyone.
--> o p p o s i t e S E X .
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: Physically, eyes and mouth.
[x] perfect "dream" date: Walk on the beach and some at-home hangout time. Just about anything works for me lol
[x] who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: Taker
[x] what do you look for in the opposite sex?: Personality, obs (the typical funny, kind, good to me, etc.)
[x] what does the opposite sex not know about you?: The same things any other random person doesn't know about me.
--> n i g h t T I M E .
[x] what do you wear to bed: Usually just a T-shirt unless there's no heat in the house
[x] what's your bed time: Whenever the fuck I feel like sleeping.
[x] do you wish on stars: Nope.
[x] is there a TV in your room: Yep
[x] what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: Listen to music
--> m i s c e l l a n e o u s .
[x] how many schools have you been to: 3 thus far
[x] are you passive or aggressive: Haha agressive on the far side
[x] vanilla or chocolate: Both.
[x] would you rather be hot or cold: I'd rather be neither.
[x] what is your curfew: Usually along the lines of 11 & midnight unless I can bargain otherwise
--> f r i e n d s .
[x] person you can trust the most: Dorathahhhh.
[x] what is the best quality of a friend: All the stuff I'm not good at describing
[x] what friend do you have the most fun with: Dor-whore
--> s t u p i d S T U F F .
[x] do you glow in the dark: I sure hope not.
[x] do you posses magical abilities: Not that I'm aware of
[x] do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: Usually
[x] can you name all 4 Teletubbies: Tipsy, Taa-taa, Drinky Winky, and Ho.
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: I wish I were happy.
[x] have you ever tried to kill yourself: Um, *cough*. Next question.
[x] do you know anyone who SERIOUSLY wanted to kill themselves?: Yeah.
[x] what are you addicted to?: Food
[x] do you like jewelry?: Bracelets, rings, and piercing jewelry does it for me
[x] do you wear a watch?: Nope
[x] did/do you have braces?: No and no.
[x] do you believe in God?: Yesh.
[x] do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope...infatuation, yes....but not LOVE.
[x] what are your favorite tv show(s)?: South Park, Family Guy, and ATHF!!
[x] what color tooth brush do you use?: A blue thing.
[x] is the glass half empty or half full: Depends on what I'm drinking.
[x] most dangerous thing you've ever done: *sidesteps question*
[x] are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: Yep.