My life as of the past week...
- I'm now officially on The Pill. Woot :-/
- I caught the stomach bug that's been going around. Been puking like it's my job. 3 days off of school because of it. Can't eat. Have so much shit work to make up :(
- First insurance payment since I got my car...adds up to $245 for the month. Bleh.
- My car has an air leak in the back tire. Must get fixed pronto.
- I officially hate HWRHS and everything about that wretched hellhole (with a few minor exceptions).
- Spent the weekend with Dorathah and Keebs. Got high. Keebler played guitar. Best guitarist I've ever seen en mi vida.
- I saw Billy & Malcolm for first time in a few months.
- This fucking presidential election is pissing me off.
"I'm lying to myself and this dagger's my excuse...."
Bye bye blacksheep. <3