Character of Color Love Fest

Jul 14, 2007 10:10

Apologies to all for letting this site sit idle for far too long and for not performing up to your expectations. I've had plans in the works but I want to thank zvi for giving a much needed push ( Read more... )

intro, challenge, summer, lovefest, mod post, fall

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Comments 132

question... glossing July 14 2007, 17:55:24 UTC
Is RPF included?


Re: question... mod_journal July 14 2007, 17:59:05 UTC
Hi there.

YES, it is!


Re: question... glossing July 14 2007, 18:01:09 UTC
Hey, lovely. *g*

It is? YAYES. Now someone is sure to write that Mos Def/Tony Leung OTPfic I've been longing for. :D


Re: question... mod_journal July 14 2007, 19:12:44 UTC
Mos Def/Tony Leung OTPfic

Yay! Sounds yummy!


zvi_likes_tv July 14 2007, 21:24:53 UTC
Fandom: Fastlane ( ... )


mod_journal July 14 2007, 21:44:25 UTC
I'm loving them, especially the Gus/Shawn one.


zvi_likes_tv July 14 2007, 21:54:01 UTC
I may add a couple more later. I was ... unpleasantly surprised to discover that Shawn/Lassiter is more popular than Gus/Shawn while surfing one day. If it were the sort of show I wanted to write fic for, I would, but I only watch it occasionally. *shrug*


hth_the_first July 15 2007, 08:21:32 UTC
Fandom: Fastlane ( ... )


mod_journal July 15 2007, 10:54:01 UTC
Thank you!


hth_the_first July 15 2007, 11:40:16 UTC
Fandom: Josie and the Pussycats (movie)
Character/pairing/threesome or moresome: Melanie/Josie/Harmony

And obviously by this I mean Valerie/Josie/Melody. It's late, okay?


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mod_journal July 15 2007, 10:54:16 UTC


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mod_journal July 15 2007, 10:56:52 UTC
Definitely. I just wanted the challenge to be a casual sort of thing so I deliberately kept the minimum word count low. But please feel free to specify whatever you'd like.


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