FIC: In The Stars SGA Teyla/Keller f'ship, Teyla/Kate f'ship

Feb 23, 2008 11:47

Title: In The Stars
Author: Merlin's Sister
Rating: G
Disclaimers: The Stargate:Atlantis characters are owned by the almighty MGM. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Category: Teyla/Keller friendship, Teyla/Heightmeyer friendship
Archive: Just ask.
Spoilers: Doppelganger, nods to Missing
Summary: Grief can make you buckle, but it can’t make you break.
Author's Notes: Unbetaed, so bizarre spelling and phrasing completely down to me.

Written for the choc_fic challenge. Prompt of Feb 23 - Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla & Keller (gen or femslash): deathfic (not necessarily either of the prompt characters) - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Fic this way
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