Crossover Comm & RPG Looking for Writers & Players

Dec 12, 2005 12:24

Presenting crossing_lost, an open writing community.

The Lost Multifandom Crossover Community is an open crossover writing community based on one premise: On September 22, 2004 at 2:55PM, Oceanic Flight 815 departed from Gate 23 of the Sydney International Airport (in Sydney, Australia), inbound for Los Angeles International Airport (in Los Angeles, California, United States). Unfortunately, the flight never made it.

Oceanic Flight 815 crashed into a large island in the South Pacific. On board that ill-fated flight were characters from various fandoms.

Which fandoms? That's where the fun comes in.

You, the writer(s), get to choose which character(s) from which fandom(s) were on the plane. You write the stories, you post them, and you have fun with it. You, the writer, get to create the universe. If you want Hobbs and Fawkes ("The Invisible Man") on the plane, then Hobbs and Fawkes were on the plane. Maybe Faith and few newly activated Slayers were heading to Los Angeles to help Team Angel fight that final fight with Wolfram & Hart. Or maybe Daniel Jackson and Samantha Carter ("Stargate SG-1") were flying back from presenting information about the Stargate Program to the Australian government. The whole point is that different characters from different fandoms crashed on the mysterious island.

Not familiar with "Lost"? It's not necessary that you have 100% familiarity with the show.

By the very nature of this community, it's an AU to "Lost" where things happened

It's all about fun and experimentation in writing.

Check out crossing_lost


crossing_lostrp, The "Lost" Multifandom Crossover RPG is looking for players:

Name: crossing_lostrp
Format: Livejournal
Genre: tv, "Lost", Crossover, AU
Contact: fikgirl,, or
Website: Oceanic 815: Suvivors
Rating: PG
Deadline: open-ended (at the moment)
Game Description: The basic premise: On September 22, 2004 at 2:55PM, Oceanic Flight 815 departed from Gate 23 of the Sydney International Airport (in Sydney, Australia), inbound for Los Angeles International Airport (in Los Angeles, California, United States). Unfortunately, the flight never made it.Oceanic Flight 815 crashed into a large island in the South Pacific. On board that ill-fated flight were characters from various fandoms.

Which fandoms? That's where the fun comes in.

You, the player(s), get to choose which character(s) from which fandom(s) were on the plane. You the players, with the game master providing prompts, will create a whole new AU universe. If you want Phoebe Halliwell ("Charmed") heading back from overseas, then she is. Maybe Methos from "Highlander: the Series" (under yet another assumed identity naturally) was heading back to the Pacific Northwest with a layover in Los Angeles. Or maybe Fox Mulder's ("The X-Files") quest for the truth led him all the way around the world to Australia. The whole point is that different characters from different fandoms crashed on the mysterious island.

This is an AU of Lost with a different slant: in this RP, also on the flight were characters from various different fandoms, hence the crossover nature of the RP. Players are allowed to bring whatever character from whatever fandom they would like as long as they can reasonably place them on the island.

Game play starts from the crash with the characters from the crossover fandoms interacting with characters from "Lost."

Specific Requirements/Needed Characters: We're still recruiting and lining up players. We need "Lost" characters (Jack, Kate, Sun, Jim, Boone, Sayid, Michael, Walt, Hurley & Charlie) and any characters from other fandoms that you want to bring onboard.
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