Title: Stand Down
Author: hossgal
Rating: R (language) Gen
Warnings/Spoilers: Profanity. Nebulous spoilers for DC and Marvel comics, spoilers for SPN 2.22. AU for SPN, and I don't think you need to be up on the series to follow.
Fandom: DC comics/Marvel Ultimates comics/Supernatural tv series
Characters: Amanda "The Wall" Waller, Nick Fury
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Comments 7
I liked this; didn't get the SPN connection until relatively late on. And I don't know DC/Marvel at all. But Waller's pretty interesting, and I like the rage and desperation at a blown mission.
I'm not even going to try to explain the mass of twisted knitting that is the canon plotline that this fic (very vaguely) is based off. (I likely offended a couple hard core canonphiles with this.) And the SPN connection didn't come in until late, either - I knew Fury and Waller were butting heads, but not what the issue was.
Waller is *way* cool. Badass from way back, and willing to go nose-to-nose with Batman (personality wise, not hand-to-hand.) There are a couple articles about her here and here. (Warning - lots of comics sites think white text on black backgrounds is pretty kewl.)
Fury, as presented here, is in the Ultimates version (think bookverse vs movieverse) of the character, and I'm less confident of my characterization of him - I read the original Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos books way, *way* back, and I think that there's bleed-through from the original version. You can read about the Ulimates version (as played by Samuel J. Jackson!) here and hereThank ( ... )
I wonder how Maddie Pryor, Goblin Queen, would have worked as an alternate to the YED?
Talley - at first I kept flashing to CJC's Talley in Downbelow Station, or even Tully in the Chanur series, and didn't make the connection to Jake until the Afghanistan reference.
Waller is a very vivid character.
You should totally write that. *g*
Talley/Tully - I KNOW! Me too! For me, the similarities between the two Talleys are fairly strong.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
- hg
>>>I really like the idea of someone from Shield or Checkmate interviewing the Winchesters to find out more about the South Dakota situation.
Gah. That would be far more exposure than I think the Winchesters could deal with. (You should totally write that, though.) You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see John Winchester and Nick Fury (any version) locked in a room together.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
- hg
Pardon the random flail of enthusiasm, but damn, yes! This is pitch-perfect, the Wall that I know and love beyond reason, for all her flaws and sins. Wow.
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