
Jan 20, 2010 10:54

Some Interracial Fic

Ninja Assassin (Mika/Raizo)

Title: Where you lead
Author: Donna DeKaren
Pairing: Mika/Raizo
Length: 607 words
Rating: T
Warning: This might leave you with blue balls and it's unbeta'ed
Disclaimer: I don't own Ninja Assassin or it's actors. I'm not doing this for profit. Everything is copyright by the ppl who made the movie, etc etc
A/N: I saw the movie the Saturday after it came out. I came home, wrote half of this and it had been sitting there because I didn't know where to go with it. So, I just decided to post what I have. I hope you enjoy.

Title: Partner
Author: Donna DeKaren
Pairing: mentions of Mika/Ryan | Mika/Raizo (in late chapters)
Length: 1019 words
Rating: T
Warning: Beta'd by myself
Disclaimer: I don't own Ninja Assassin or it's actors. I'm not doing this for profit. Everything is copyright by the ppl who made the movie, etc etc
Summary: AU: Mika is a head strong and loner officer. Raizo is the assigned partner she does not want. Together they will find who is behind the ninja like slayings.
A/N: I keep trying to write whole stories and THEN posting them. Rather than do that, I'm just gonna post what I have and consider it a WIP. If it ever gets finished, great. If not...blame writer's block. Thanks for the awesome reviews for my other Ninja Assassin fic 'Lead Me.'

Star Trek XI (Spock/Uhura)

Title: Forgive me Father for I have sinned
Author: Donna Dekaren
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura
Rating: Rated NC 17 for self love
Warnings: Everything ST included the actors aren't mine and am not looking to profit from it
Summary: Spock as a Priest and Uhura's naughty confession. Rated M. Wrote for a prompt.
A/N: Wrote for a prompt in the fic/kind meme at [info]su_fic_request

Title: Humanized
Author: Donna Dekaren
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura
Rating: PG for curse words
Warnings: Everything ST included the actors aren't mine and am not looking to profit from it
Summary: Spock uses an experimental machine to look and become more human. Uhura is unaware.

Title: Matchmaker
Author: Donna Dekaren
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura
Rating: G
Warnings: Everything ST included the actors aren't mine and am not looking to profit from it
Summary: Someone is playing matchmaker.

Heroes (Mohinder/Sylar)

Title: Redo
Characters: Mylar
Warnings: Some language
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 2,537
Spoilers: None.
Summary: After dealing with a hard break up, Mohinder goes back in time to fix his mistakes before he loses his love for good.
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes, because so don’t sue me.
A/N: Sequel to original_tinks

sylar, heroes, raizo, spock, mohinder, ninja assassin, uhura, mika, star trek xi

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