Today's not yesterday [Marvel (C.A. & SHIELD), Gabe Jones/Peggy Carter, PG]

Sep 01, 2007 08:48

Title: Today's not yesterday
Author/Artist: gloss
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 1300
Summary: Peggy's not a ghost and Gabe's done more than merely survive.
A/N: Title from "Visions", Stevie Wonder. Beta by jubilancy.

... )

marvel (c.a. & shield), gabe jones/peggy carter, glossing, september 1

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Comments 9

oneangrykate September 1 2007, 14:16:01 UTC
You have made me heart them even more than I already did. Oh, Gloss, your prose is so golden, I can't even start. Plus, um, Peggy is really really hot here.


glossing September 1 2007, 15:21:53 UTC
Oh, wow, dearheart - thank you so much. I love them more than I thought possible. And all the Carter girls are smokin'.

♥ & ♥


(The comment has been removed)

glossing September 1 2007, 20:36:59 UTC
Thanks so much! They date back to the 60s and 70s; this is set c.1972.


jubilancy September 1 2007, 22:23:04 UTC
This story was just as good this time around. It has this glowing quietness to it, the same as that Otis Redding song, that makes it feel like so much more than 1300 words.


glossing September 3 2007, 13:01:02 UTC
Glowing quiet captures wonderfully how I feel about these two -- thank you for the prompt. And the beta. And all the inspiration. ♥


zvi_likes_tv September 2 2007, 02:29:16 UTC
I have only the vaguest wikipedia gleaned knowledge of who these people are, but the endings a good one.


glossing September 3 2007, 13:03:06 UTC
I can't tell you how touched I am that you went to the trouble of checking wikipedia for this -- thank you. (Contemporary comics are rife with problems, but the array of CoCs is *definitely* one strength. IJS. *g*)


caiusmajor September 4 2007, 02:17:01 UTC
Very very awesome. I ship these two so HARD, for people who were thrown together the way they were in canon. And you explain them very well!


glossing September 4 2007, 12:19:38 UTC
They are eminently shippable! I can't get over them.

Thanks, you. I'm so happy this worked for you. ♥


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