
Oct 09, 2008 21:59

Title: Width of a Circle
Chapter: Chapter One
Pairing: George/Angelina, minor Fred/Angelina
Summary: They tried to deny it, they even tried to ignore but both of them knew... they were falling in love with the other and there was nothing, not even the image of his dead brother to stop it.
Rating: PG, for now
Warning: character death, violence, sexual situations
A/N: This has taken nearly a year for me to update this fic properly. Saying that life has been hectic would be putting it lightly. 2008 was the craziest year I've had to deal with in my entire life. Thanks so much to dawniky for beta-ing the chapter for me. You are heaven sent and very accurate. ♥♥♥
Disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever owned the Harry Potter series. Had I owned it; Ron Weasley would be marrying a self-insertion that's name started with a "D" and ended with an "avalyn". Although, don't get me wrong - R/Hr is the best pairing in history. Viva la Good Ship, lol.

he's my brother...
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