My beloved cat

May 02, 2010 21:28

I haven't posted in a while but I have to write about my cat, who is lost as of Thursday night, 4/29/2010. I've searched all over the place, posted on Craiglist, checked shelters' web sites even though she has a collar, etc. I posted signs, etc., but nevermind that. That's not what this post is about. This post is about the cat that I lost, and I'm going to write it in a cheesy format and I don't care. I won't pretend that I'm not balling my head off as I write this.

I will remember...

I will remember the day I drove you home, when you escaped from your box in the car and mommy (Anna) picked you up and held your tiny body as you fell asleep on her leg.

I will remember that same day, on an impromptu trip to Walmart to get you your first toys/bed, being turned away because pets aren't allowed in the store, so Anna had to watch you and Bo (her dog) in the car while I went on a hurried shopping spree.

I will remember how you struggled to climb each stair at home when you were a baby.

I will remember how Anna described your size as "two squares" (two carpet squares, referring to the pattern of my carpet), and how small you were then.

I will remember how we first discovered that you were a girl at the vet, and how I suspected it all along despite the pet store saying otherwise.

I will remember how you played so crazily and stressed me out, and I actually had regrets about getting you sometimes.

I will remember how you destroyed 4+ computer mice, my Wacom tablet (which I later fixed), and countless headphones.

I will remember the way you loved to lie on your back.

I will remember when you played outside in the sun and Anna took pictures of you.

I will remember when you were younger and you couldn't sleep in the same room as me or else you'd always end up biting my head or hand randomly, or otherwise being crazy.

I will remember when you were older, these days, how you'd spend lazy weekends napping alongside me, always needing to have at least part of you touching me.

I will remember how playful you were, as a baby, and how I held you up and told you you'd be a warrior princess, queen of the jungle, etc.

I will remember how you played with Anna's dog despite Bobo not liking it so much.

I can list a lot of things... but there are really two that stand out:

1) I will remember how you kept me company, always preventing me from being lonely. I was never alone when you were here. Before you, I *was*. I was depressed when I'd spend weekends alone. But never again after you came along.

2) I will remember how much joy it brought me seeing you win Anna's heart, and seeing the way she loved and adored you and the comments she made about you, all the pictures she took, all the love she showed you... how she'd IM me to tell me what you were doing when I was at work and she was at home taking care of you. I was happy to name her "Fa" at Anna's request because I loved the connection you had with her. Anna and I were the only people you treated that way.

I gotta stop. I'm seriously breaking down here.
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