Star Trek (no spoilers, just a brief commentary before I sleep)

May 07, 2009 23:07

I saw Star Trek today and it took me a while to process after I saw it... in fact, I'm still processing it.  There were things I really liked and things I really didn't like, though thankfully it included most of my hopes.  There are a lot of situations in which I criticize one aspect of the movie and then easily find a praise that not just compensates for but counteracts the original complaint.  For example, I could complain that Kirk is too actiony and not cerebral enough, but then again, this represents his early days as a cadet... I always complained that Riker, for example, was portrayed as this guy who used to be a fun-loving party guy, but they rarely explored that side of him (he always seemed so stiff).  Also, the action sequences were more what I would have hoped from previous movies/television shows (though not perfect).

Oddly enough, there was a part of me that was left longing for the cheese factor... I love the stuff that most people probably hate.  I love the light-hearted stuff; the character exploration that has nothing to do with any major battle with an alien race, etc.  I'm basically referring to all the stuff that helps me realize the setting, and fantasize about what it would be like living on a Starship during peaceful times.  Obviously I can't expect a movie to be without major conflict but I hope there's more character development in future movies that doesn't require big bad situations as the catalyst.

It's too late in the evening for me to go through it all now; I'll address the movie (with spoiler alerts) in the future.
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