I was reading a friend of a friend's blog. Let's just call her RR. I've been her silent reader for a few weeks. One of her latest entry seems to catch my eyes. Just read it
This is my response towards her entry. I would like to comment but I realized that my comment is waaaaay too long, so I decided to blog about it instead. I might sound rude but I'll try to be as polite as possible.
Firstly, as much as I can understand why guys are afraid to approach girls who are seemingly more well-off than they are, I still think that is the LAMEST. EXCUSE. EVER. I know that you feel inferior that she's well more well-off than you. I know that you guys are intimidated by what she has. I know that you are worried what will happen in the future like, where to take her for lunch, dinner, supper, breakfast and stuff, what activities that you guys can do together, what are you going to get her for your birthday and anniversaries and other stuff that couples do (I don't know, I was never in a relationship!). However, as much as guys are worried about stuff like that, the girls are worried as well. Worried that whatever she has or whatever she is are the ones that hold you back from approaching her. I mean, come on! Do you guys really think that you have no chance just because she has a car or any peripherals that are way cooler than yours? And, do you think that girls are going to ditch their smartphones and reliable, good (and expensive) cars just to give guys the ego boost? I don't know about the other girls but, in my case: hell no! Seriously, if a guy really want to approach a girl, he would take cool cars and sophisticated gadgets as a challenge. Plus, it is very stereotypical to judge a girl's mannerism by what she owns. I mean, do you really think that a girl who has cool (and expensive) cars and sophisticated gadgets is high maintenance? I can understand if the girl has expensive hairdo, designer clothes and bags and makeup all over her face. But, what if the girl is the laid-back type who is comfortable to be in a t-shirt and jeans (for me, it's hoodies and long bottoms, ether jeans, slacks, cargos or trackies) and wear her hair in a ponytail or just let it loose (doesn't matter whether she applies a hair product or not)? Seriously, you want to call her high-maintenance? Yes, she might be awkward and disapproving when your idea of a date is a camping trip in a jungle or a hike, but she'll warm up to it (in my case, as long as there are no snakes and there is a functioning toilet, I'm good).
Another thing that she posted about really ticks me (and her) off. I don't understand why people stereotype others based on where she comes from? For example, if you're a city girl, you either wear makeup 24/7 or you can't cook or both (or other stuff). Or, if you're from a small town, you're either suck at English or you're outdated or both. Stereotypical much? I understand exactly how RR feels. Heck, I would be pissed off as well when people assume that I can't cook just because I am from KL. To them, the equation is like this:
KL girl + cooking skills = 0
THAT IS LIKE, THE LAMEST REASON EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like hello! I had to admit, my cooking skill is still in beginner's level but at least I can make something that people will eat. Furthermore, that reason sounds baseless and narrow-minded (not to mention, stereotypical); and they're coming from the mouths of university students! I still remember an incident that I experienced during my orientation in Jengka. It was 4 something in the morning and we were in Pusat Islam for qiamullail and Subuh prayers. A girl asked me where I was from so answered that I was from KL and then, she asked me why I didn't wear any makeup. I couldn't remember what I said, it was either I don't wear makeup or I don't have any or I don't have the time or I don't like to wear makeup. However, I do remember this ringing in my mind:
Wearing makeup during qiamullail and prayers is very uncomfortable and causes hassle. When you perform wudhuk, you have to take them off first and this could take time. And then, some of the makeup will stain your telekung. After that, you have to reapply them and it takes more time. I wouldn't want to go through that.
This post is not intended to insult or offend anybody. It is just my opinion, how I feel about things. I am not plagiarizing from anyone. This is merely a response post.