Aug 26, 2011 07:35
Today is the BIG DAY and although I don't have time today for a lengthy post, I'm sure there will be LOTS to say once its all said and done.
I hope to have fun and the wedding to go off smoothly, but if not, who cares? Have fun, roll with it; I'll be telling myself to enjoy every minute of it.
I feel extremely blessed and even though I know the excitement of this day will wane, I pray that God blesses our marriage and gives me the strength to be a better person. It's not about the day but our life together.
There is one passage in scripture I think sums up a lot of what goes wrong in relationships:
"Let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth."
~ John 3:18
Words of affirmation are great, but they are rendered useless if the actions of your spouse is counter to those words. Josh has proven to me beyond a doubt that his actions are in line with his words. I pray that I do the same and even when we stumble and do not affirm each other I pray for and un-hardened heart so that forgiveness and reconciliation can take place.
It'll be tough, nowhere in the bible does it say that when you marry. In fact it says the opposite is true, so why come together? As a person of faith, I believe two Christians should enter marriage because they feel that united together for life they can serve God more fruitfully and joyously than either could singly.
Anyways I'm rambling and need to get ready, but I want to keep things in perspective for today. It'll be a lifelong process, I'm ready for the ride.