Treason+Rope+Quick Drop+Sudden Stop=Good Shit

Dec 10, 2005 21:21

Patriot- n. a person who loves his country, zealously supporting and defending it and its interests.
Patriotism- n. devotion to one’s country
Treason- n. Disloyalty to ones country

Yet again, I come to this journal to speak my mind, very openly. The people in this country are beginning to piss me off. Not beginning to, they have been for the better part of three years now. Firstly, be happy that you are the elite to live in this country, and support it! The biggest thing that I am referring to is the situation in Iraq. I am not old enough to remember WWI, WWII, and some others. However I do know those that can, and they all agree that people at home were supportive over the war. Why? Number one, more people actually thought those wars were justified. As well as the fact that to speak out against your President or country could result you being labeled a traitor. That person commits treason. I think that we should reinstate that. Screw the first amendment freedom of speech; Treason is a capital punishment, and hiding behind the damn bill of rights is just a coward’s way out! All you libs and those that think like them about the war should get the hell out, move to Afghanistan, and see how much you like them then! Stop saying, “I’m going to Canada” they do not want you! They know better, and that is saying something about Canadians. Like I have said before, Support the troop and not the war just does not make any sense. God I know you people are stupid, but that is just stupid beyond reasoning. Either you support the Troop and all he does, or you do not support him. In addition, for you Marines that said “I signed up in peace, and I will only serve in peace” should have been the first people to be tried for treason.

On to another point…separation of church and state. Firstly, the law was not created to keep church out of state, but state out of church. Again, another prime example of your stupidities. And also, those who say that God is not aloud in school, but Allah is, is a bunch of FUCKING COMMIES!!! Seriously, there is something wrong with people when they will not allow a Catholic, Jew, Christian, etc. to pray silently at school, but think that a school needs a place so a Muslim can go pray five fucking times a day. You want to know what happened America, look at those assholes that think they are doing what is best for the country, but are suppressing it’s citizens, and letting the terrorist do whatever they damn well please.

Finally, there was this black foreign guy at work about a week ago that was asked to donate for toys for tots. He did not know what it was, so Wanda tried to explain it to him. She said, “Every year the Marine Corps…” The man cut her off and said no.
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