My Drabble

Sep 26, 2005 18:04

Title: The First Time
Author: Ashtari
Rated: PG-13 Possible R
Words: Drabble 1: 100 Drabble 2: 100 Drabble 3: 100 Drabble 4: 100
Pairing: Nothing but hints
Summary: In Gunlock there was an episode where Hakkai fell ill and his one request of the guys were that they keep the room clean, with the special note of: “…we don’t want to lose Sanzo’s sutra, again.” The ‘again’ caught my eye and I have decided to write a small series of drabbles about the incident Hakkai had alluded to.

24 hours could seem like a lifetime when one is forced to leave three…unique personalities alone in a room together. Hakkai was just back from a mission of mercy for a local restaurant owner in exchange for all the food a half-starved Goku could eat.

Once in the room he found a strange scene. Naturally the room had been trashed cigarette butts, beer cans and food wrappers littered the floor in an even layer. What was truly strange were the occupants. Gojyo was in one corner, smoking and smirking, Goku was eating, Sanzo was on his knees…frantically searching the debris.

“Sanzo? Did you lose your fan?” Hakkai asked the half-robed monk calmly.

The priest in questioned looked up in what could only be described as Sanzo’s personal take on a panicked look…which wasn’t much different from his other looks. Meanwhile Gojyo’s smirk grew larger at the monk’s discomfort. “No, I…can’t find the sutra.” Sanzo admitted, trying to ignore the kappa’s muffled laugh.

“Oh dear…” Was whispered by Hakkai before joining in the search. He didn’t dare say anything about how if the three men actually made an attempt to clean once in a while, then important items wouldn’t get misplaced.

Three hours later the search continues now with Goku’s help added in. Gojyo was on his second pack of cigarettes as he watched the others crawl around on the floor.

“Well…look on the bright side, guys, at least this way, Kougaiji can’t find the sutra either.” The half breed remarked with a smirk.

Emerald eyes shot an angry look at amused Crimson, “You are NOT helping, Gojyo.”

The clear annoyance in the normally calm voice spurred Gojyo to make a token attempt at searching.

“HEY! I found it!” Goku cried out, “EWWW!! It’s got this white crusty stuff on it!”

A single gunshot rang through the inn, drawing a yell from an outraged red head. “What the hell!?” Gojyo cried out, moments before the infamous fan made it’s appearance. After that it became hard to speak, especially as Sanzo warmed up to his special rhythm of blows.

“You god damn stupid perverted, Kappa!” Sanzo yelled in time to his punishment. He ignored Gojyo’s cries of protest.

“Oh, wait! It’s just the icing from my donuts.” Goku amended after a sniff and taste of the sutra.

“STUPID MONKEY!!!” Both the kappa and monk bellowed in outrage before attacking the innocent primate.
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