I'm actually being in-person social tonight - and actually, I'll be doing this a lot over the next few days! Gasp - so here's a mish-mash post for your enjoyment.
+ Rise Against's
video for "Make It Stop (September's Children)" made me cry. (Warning: depictions of bullying and suicidal thoughts.)
+ It's funny,
rahnekat1 and I nearly had the exact same discussion that
marina put up about
Magneto and Mystique trolling in X2. I swear, Magneto spends half the movie laughing at people. And he says that he and Mystique shouldn't get involved in the Jean-Scott fight like it's something they do regularly. &THEM;
Here's an interesting discussion about original fic vs. fanfic. I have a long TL;DR post in me about my own differences in perception, so that may come later.
West Collins puts away laundry. He's almost exactly the same age as my nephew! And there's actually a picture my bro-in-law took a couple months ago where my nephew was "helping" with the laundry, but that was before motor control skills, so he was just lying under a pile of clothes. /random anecdote
+ Via
Adorable Anna Torv interview. I now ship her and Kate Winslet. (Mmm.)
Arthur Darvill in Doctor Faustus. UNF UNF UNF
A snippet of Panic! doing "Carry On Wayward Son". Yes, this is nothing new. No, I don't care.
latest post has all kinds of relevant-to-my-interests goodness: Frank/Gerard making out on stage, Brendon/Dallon, a link to a
picspam of Mikey Way's neck.
+ ...I literally just learned that a) Spencer and Ryan's first-ever concert was Backstreet Boys, and b) they know all the moves to "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". MY FIRST CONCERT WAS BSB. I DID ALL THOSE DANCE MOVES DURING THE SHOW. DFLKDJLSFDJDL
rahnekat1 informed me that a) Cindy Sampson tweeted something about Jared and Jensen kissing and b) James McAvoy said he and Fassy had sex four times and went on to go into specifics. I don't have links because I'm afraid I'll explode from fannish glee if I go hunting for them. But the first is obviously on Twitter, and the second's on
Edit: Okay, couldn't resist:
the tweet, and
the video. *pile of ash*
Since I know I was in very dire straits just a week or two ago, I should say that I've swung out of the massive depressive streak I was in. (For now. I'm cycling pretty fast, so it's not uncommon for me to feel bouncy and all over the place one day and completely down the day after.) It's not perfect - I could write novels when I'm feeling like this about how buzzy my head gets and how screwed up sleeping becomes, amongst other things - but at least I'm moving and not in strong physical pain.
Also, I might start therapy again in the next couple weeks. More on that as it comes.
So I'm writing three long fanfics at the moment? :D? (See the above mental health update if you're wondering why.)
Here's how it breaks down:
-Vampire Big Bang, which I had to restart because the idea was complex and I didn't have the tools to pull it off. Now I'm worried that I don't have enough content for the 10k minimum, and writing's a slog. Luckily, I anticipated a slump, so I have a couple Panic! videos tucked away to get me in the proper mindset for the story.
-Bandom Big Bang for Wave Two, which is ridiculously fun to write. I'm way more comfortable with MCR perspective characters than Panic! perspective characters, and the whole thing is a massive AU, so I'm not fretting about getting the details right. Plus, the AU's something I absolutely adore (that isn't vampires or werewolves!).
-Another MCR story that has been screaming to be written. I've made a deal with myself: if I get over 10k and get the rough draft finished the day before signups close, I can sign up with it as a second Bandom Big Bang Wave Two story. Or it can be a backup if I stall out on the story above (which is fully outlined, so I don't think it'll happen).
And then, of course, I need to finish edits on my SPN Big Bang, but that's out to a beta at the moment, so I don't have to worry about it for a couple weeks at least. Yay.
Also posted on
Dreamwidth (
comment[s]). Feel free to
comment on either entry.