But I can't regret what I did for love.

May 04, 2011 18:12


SPN/J2 Big Bang 2011 statistics! I'm not going to say which category my story falls into until after artist claims are over - they start Friday, so I won't have to be quiet for long - but I will say it's not gen. Gasp!

One reason I'm so into Panic! right now: Brendon Urie looks like Eleven. Bow ties are cool, okay? (And so are suspenders.) But there's also the fact that Brendon and Spencer are just too adorable for words: Brendon in the behind-the-scenes for "Ready to Go" in particular is TOO MUCH. The backflips! The cannon! The random noises he makes while Spencer's talking! (And ~shoulder rubs~ omg.) I also have their livestream from earlier saved because apparently they talk about MCR and Brendon/Dallon smooches! ALL MY BANDS SHOULD BE IN A PUPPY PILE

Speaking of pretty bands, I have a massive crush on Bebe Rexha from Black Cards. Gorgeous? Yes. Fantastic voice? Yes. Adorable? Definitely. I listened to audio from a Black Cards performance in Toronto, and I fell hard. Now I just need a Black Cards album/tour - apparently, the talk of touring with Panic! wasn't right? And they're just doing one date? - and life will be awesome.

Speaking of Doctor Who (er, a couple paragraphs ago), a quick rec:
such_heights did a River Song vid set to Goldfrapp. Hello, two of my favorite things!

And unrelated to anything besides awesome, via
newredshoes: ‘I went to Quantico for this?’: On Astrid Farnsworth and Black (Queer) Nerddom. I'm firmly in the GIVE ASTRID MORE TO DO camp, but I often neglect what things they do right with her. This is a great article for anyone thinking about giving Fringe a try; even with all its problems, Jasika Nicole is forever worth it. (As is Anna Torv and John Noble and Lance Reddick.)

Also posted on Dreamwidth (
comment[s]). Feel free to comment on either entry.

fanfic: big bangs, fandom: bandom: patd, fandom: fringe, fandom: doctor who/torchwood, fandom: bandom

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