The existence of this is pretty funny, considering I'll be posting legitimate bandom fic before I go to bed tonight. These are not only the first bandom story-like things I've posted, but the first RPF I've ever posted.
Anyway, I have to give
rahnekat1 stellar props for this one: she's not into bandom (although she likes the music), and the idea came from her, even if the execution ended up more from my brain. She's clearly been listening to my natterings for the past few months, and unfortunately for her, she ensured that I will keep nattering if ideas like this come from it.
So. Pete/Mikey (with some background Pete/Patrick), ~2500 words, and PG-13ish again.
Mikey's going to a community college - in Chobits, Hideki's going to a prep school - and his classmates are Ray and Frank, because of course you need them to be around being awesome and snarky and richer than Mikey. And Mikey needs a computer to keep up with the class, but he's overworking and barely able to afford school, much less tech gear. Ray and Frank keep trying to help him and letting him borrow their laptops (which of course are tiny and pink and adorable), but Mikey's the silent suffering type who wants to make it on his own, so he keeps pushing them away.
And for those of you who don't know? Computers in the Chobits world are shaped like people. They act like people, too.
So Mikey's walking home from school one day, and he sees feet sticking out of the dumpster. Since computers are shaped like people, this isn't as big a deal as it sounds, but Mikey thinks something about the feet look familiar. So he takes a closer look, and hey, the shoes really look like something he used to own. And so do the jeans, which fit kind of weird. And so does the unicorn shirt.
And now he's looking at Pete in the garbage.
Mikey panics in his stoic Mikey manner, since it looks like there's a dead guy wearing his clothes in a dumpster, but when he reaches in the garbage to pull Pete out, Pete's way too heavy to be a person. (Most of the computers have non-human ears where their ports are, but Pete's pretty human-looking.) Mikey shrugs and drags Pete home by the legs.
He's trying to get Pete turned on (er, literally, not in a sexy way) when Gerard visits. Gerard's pissy because he's a super rich artist who's tried to buy Mikey houses and cars and computers, and now Mikey's screwing with this computer he found in the trash, and he's wounded really because he wants to be Mikey's big brother so much and Mikey won't let him. Mikey lets Gerard do his thing until he's calmed down, and then he asks why he won't turn on. And it turns out it's because he can't find the switch, which is hidden just under Pete's emo bangs.
(Quick note about that: in Chobits, Chi's switch is, no joke, located in her vagina. But there's a million creepy things in Chobits, and I'd like to avoid at least some of them. Even if Pete's switch being on his dick or something would be hilarious.)
So Pete turns on, and he's a very earnest Pete Wentz, so he's all over Mikey and totally jazzed about Mikey's crappy apartment and wanting to go out and party. Mikey watches all of this stoically, as he does, and when he finally gets an opening, he asks why Pete was in the garbage and what's going on there. Pete realizes he doesn't remember, but his programming seems generally intact, so Mikey isn't too concerned about it.
Except when he goes to school with Pete the next day, Frank and Ray look Pete over and realize he can't do anything that a normal computer can do: hook up to a monitor, do calculations, connect online, and so on. And Pete keeps trying to get Mikey's attention in the middle of class by drawing on his notes and touching him and generally being a nuisance, so Mikey calls it quits early and takes Pete home.
He's going to turn Pete off so he can go to work, but Pete completely flips: he gets really depressed and scared about being abandoned and left alone. Mikey more than identifies with it. He was going to take Pete somewhere public after work to charge him - Mikey's broke enough that he can't really afford the electric bill - but he says fuck it and plugs him in. (The cord's probably in one of his fingers or something.) Mikey tells Pete to read or something, then he goes to work.
And of course, Pete waits until he's charged, and then he goes out.
While this is a Chobits AU, Pete is definitely not Chi in a million ways: he knows how to interact in public. He can go into stores and browse and generally hold a conversation. Yeah, sometimes he slips weird metaphors into conversation, and he's very open about being a computer, but people seem generally okay with him. He also clearly mentions that he's Mikey's computer because Mikey's a sweet little dude and he doesn't want to end up with someone who will turn him off ever.
He ends up in a bookstore, where he sees this comic book about a robot guy that bears a striking resemblance to Pete. He pulls all the trades and issues and starts reading in a corner.
I haven't decided entirely what's in the comics, but it's probably some badass, save-the-world tale that's actually about wandering the world alone. And probably the Pete alike can only save the world when he finds his other half, who's this walking silhouette or something.
So Pete reads them all, and when he gets to the last, world-saving issue, he's snatched from the corner of the bookstore by a mysterious figure.
Mikey gets home from work and finds Pete's gone. He's not entirely surprised - really, it was in his personality type to take off whenever he felt like it - but he's also surprisingly worried, considering he's only had this computer for an hour and he's not even a real person, technically. He decides to search the neighborhood, even though he's worked two jobs and he can't afford anything to eat besides ramen noodles and he's tired. He doesn't want to leave Pete alone.
So he cases the neighborhood and finds out that a lot of people noticed Pete. He follows the trail until the bookstore, when a teen out front says he saw Pete get taken by this weird guy in a hat. Mikey's flips, and then he goes to Gerard's.
Gerard lives in a huge mansion with lots of computers. (This is probably where most of the bandom cameos come in.) Mikey comes in and begs Gerard to search for Pete, even though Gerard keeps saying he's not a computer genius and why doesn't he ask Ray, he's a lot better at it. (They're all mutual friends, of course.) But Mikey wears him down, and Gerard figures Pete has GPS built in, and he should be easy to find if it's on. It is, so Gerard picks up his phone and they rush off.
It turns out Pete's being held in a lab in the downtown area. Pete's very happy that Mikey found him, and Gerard wants to get out quickly because he looks really nervous about the whole thing. So they leave, and Pete and Mikey go back to their place.
Pete really wants to have sex with Mikey; he has the programming for it, and the Pete-alike in the comic he read was getting his sexy on all the time. Mikey feels dubious about the whole thing, but he decides okay, he's really into him, so they hook up. (I'm sure, if I were actually writing this out, I'd end up putting in a bunch of pretentious computer metaphors that would end up completely ridiculous. Which is why not!fic is really the way to go here.)
So they're happy and blissful and domestic for a few days because I'm a sucker for that. Pete decides to get a job because he wants to help Mikey out, so he starts working in this mega sweet music store and getting broken guitars for free and crap. Mikey's doing okay in school, and things are generally good.
And then Pete buys up the Pete-alike comics and brings them home.
It shouldn't be a big deal, but Mikey comes home and sees them and flips because holy shit, that's Gerard's art style. It's under a fake name, probably because Gerard's a big deal in the snooty art world, but it's Gerard's drawings and everything that Gerard likes in terms of comics, and Mikey needs to find out right the hell now what's going on. He grabs Pete and they go to Gerard's mansion.
Gerard's arguing with a guy, and Pete flips out because it's the guy who took him. (And if the hat thing wasn't enough of a clue, of course it's Patrick.) Pete runs away, and Mikey reluctantly follows him.
And for the angsty part of our story: since Mikey and Pete weren't paying attention with all the drama, Pete ends up losing his charge and passes out in the middle of the street. Luckily, Mikey finds him right away and gets him home to charge him, but it takes a while for him to get charged enough to wake up again. Mikey waits by him because he doesn't want Pete to wake up alone, and of course he wakes him up as fast as possible because it would be cruel to leave him.
When Pete wakes up, he loses it completely.
He insists that Mikey turned him off to keep him from running, and his brother was working with the guy who snatched him, and what does he want from Pete, and so on. Mikey tries to calm him down, but it's no use. Pete leaves and goes to stay with one of his music store coworkers (probably Andy or Joe or maybe even Bebe, if you want to bring Black Cards into it).
Mikey goes to Gerard's house even though it's the middle of the night and gets him out of bed. Gerard can tell that Mikey's upset - like, upset enough to be crying, which never happens - so he tells him the story.
Gerard has been working with Patrick, who is actually Patrick Stump, the silent partner of the biggest computer company in the world. (Everyone knows Bob Bryar, the public and disgruntled face of the organization.) Patrick wanted to bring the next generation of computers out, so he hired Gerard to work with him on concept and execution, and of course Gerard's really a near genius when it comes to computers on top of being a fantastic artist, so they work really well together. Pete's their first prototype.
Gerard was in charge of his personality for the most part, and he was wracking his brains trying to come up with something good because he thinks he really sucks at character design. At the same time, he's moonlighting as a comic artist/writer, coming up with something that he thinks Mikey would like because he can't really come up with anything any other way.
And that's when it hits him. He can make the computer like the hero of his comic. He makes Pete almost entirely on his own.
Patrick's really pleased with the whole thing, particularly when Gerard shows no interest in getting anything but a small royalty for his work. And then he starts getting really attached to Pete, but Pete doesn't really feel anything back, and Pete seems really uncomfortable with the idea of being this next generation of computer. And Gerard admits to Mikey that maybe it was him projecting, but he didn't want Pete to be used on a round of publicity and get tossed aside when the next generation was built. Pete wasn't just a computer anymore, just like the character in his comic.
So he took away Pete's memories of being built, all of the basic programs that computers needed to be used for someone, and arranged for Pete to be taken away somewhere he could live a life without being forced into anything. It's only when Pete's about to leave that Gerard realizes he has nothing to wear except the weird pajamas he wore in the lab, so he stole some of Mikey's old clothes and dressed him.
It was all going well until Patrick found out about it. He screwed up the escape enough to keep Pete from leaving the city, but not enough for either Gerard or Patrick to know where he ended up. Mikey coming across Pete was a massive stroke of luck, and so was Patrick randomly going into the bookstore in the neighborhood and seeing Pete reading.
Now Mikey's really worried that Pete'll get snatched from where he's staying, so Gerard calls Patrick and puts him on one of his screens downstairs.
Patrick ends up backing up Gerard's story: he fell in love with Pete, Pete didn't want him, and when he found Pete in the bookstore, he thought he was broken. He took Pete to the lab to fix him, but Pete kept begging to leave, and when Gerard and Mikey, he hid so they could take him back. He misses Pete, but he guesses he's glad he's finally happy, and if there's anything he can do to help Mikey, he just needs to let him know. Gerard laughs because who hasn't tried to help?
Mikey goes home even though he wants to go to Pete, but he figures if he's gonna win him back, he should at least not bother who he's staying with until the morning. Gerard agrees to help him and thinks Mikey should get some sleep in the meantime. But of course Mikey can't sleep, so when he and Gerard go to whomever Pete stays with, he looks like crap.
Pete's feeling a little less pissed about things, or less pissed enough to listen to the story. Gerard offers to restore his memories, but Pete doesn't like the idea of that, considering it might make him into a different person. Gerard insists it wouldn't, but Pete says no, and Gerard leaves so Pete and Mikey can talk on their own.
Mikey tells Pete he misses him, and he'll always miss him, but he won't make him do anything he doesn't want to do. He's not in charge of Pete's life: Pete is. And then he kisses his hand and leaves.
Mikey goes to school in a fog and can't even be cheered up by Ray and Frank. He's out of it enough that he actually takes money from Ray for lunch, and that really scares them. But then Frank spots something outside the window of their classroom: Pete.
When Mikey goes to him, Pete says he doesn't want to live without Mikey either and can he move back in? Mikey of course agrees, and they share a super romantic kiss as music swells and the end credits roll. (Or okay, maybe not that last bit. This would be a fanfic, after all.)
...and holy crap, this ended up huge! o_0
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