
Dec 29, 2016 00:13

a. I had a tough day, but a good one. Stressful in parts - a doctor's appointment was the worst of it (that wasn't celebrity news, oof), but I got through okay. And I got to see a bunch of my friends and have good food and hang out time. Just wish my anxiety would leave me alone.

b. Pokemon doesn't have too much to mention, but even though I haven't been hatching baby Pokemon, I have been hatching things on my to-walk list! It's below ten for the moment! (Hatching has been giving me so much candy. I got a bunch of Polywhirl and Charmander candy!)

Ready to evolve: Omanyte, Nidorina, Slowpoke, Polywhirl, Staryu, Nidorino
Currently walking: Santa Pikachu (21 km left)

To walk:

1. Grimer (87 km)
2. Dratini (90 km)
3. Wartortle (96 km)
4. Koffing (129 km)
5. Weepinbell (135 km)
6. Charmeleon (207 km)
6. Magikarp (207 km)
8. Gloom (258 km)
9. Ivysaur (294 km)

c. I watched the Sense8 Christmas Special this evening. I love how the show's about love and connection and trying to keep your personal life okay while bigger things threaten. It's a great illustration of how important the good is - the special was great at lingering on some of the really good - and how the bad doesn't invalidate it. One of my many inspirations to care for myself and others right now.

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