Clever title goes here.

Nov 06, 2016 18:16

1. One quick political thing. I made phone calls for the Hillary campaign. As in, two. The first person didn't pick up; the second person was very nice, but my phone/social anxiety made it so I didn't quite make the call to my satisfaction (I didn't mess up much or anything, I just had a hard time reading the script in its entirety), so I'm probably not going to do more. But! I tried! Here's to being part of the process (beyond voting, which I've already done), right?

2. In Pokemon Go news, I leveled up to 25! What a slog that was, but I'm there, I have the new potions, I have another lucky egg to save up evolutions for, and I have a temporary incubator for 10k eggs (and I have a 10k egg right now, which is nice considering I went weeks with only 5ks). I'm feeling good about things right now.

Of course, the real news: one of the nests or spawn points or whatever shifted or appeared or something...and there's one on top of my house. I'm soooo happy. I caught Pokemon from bed last night and a few minutes ago! I've never done that from my actual bed before! \o/

3. NaNo is going well! Current word count is 13,369, and I'm going to try to get to 15k before midnight, probably. I'm doing the whole thing on Scrivener for iOS, which is great. I wish the word counting was better, but that might be my own confusion and not the problem of the app. I found partial word counts (as in, individual documents rather than the project as a whole) much easier on iOS than I did on Windows, so that's something.

4. I'm sick. I'm not sure if it's a cold or a sinus infection or what, but blaaaaaargh. This time of year is rough; it was fully dark outside by 5:30 pm, thanks to the time change, and there's still a month and a half until the darkest day of the year. And I'm sick a lot on top of it, and my sleep schedule's usually screwed up... sigh. I'm trying to get out and keep on things, though, and while I've definitely slumped, things are not as bad as they could be. Heck, they're not even as bad as they were in late winter 2016, so I'll take it.

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