work, work, WORK!

Aug 20, 2005 20:22

hello ther my netbuddies~

i'm back from camp and quite fired up to work for the rest of my school-life. camp was really great. i really got alot out of it. not just getting better at snowboarding (which i did with my fab instructor Lise and the occasional random philosophical comment from Boomba) but i found out what being a real friend really is. from that i've come to realise who my real friends are, and who i'm real friends with.
Anyway~ i basically boarded with JT the whole camp, cause were about the same level and it was cool. Shin got better day by day and ended up doing jumps with me n JT on the last day which was really good. ill put photos up later cause i'm doing a whole load of studying v soon.

ive found out that who i thought i liked wasn't really what i thought it was (as usual) and ye. apparently somebody likes her at the moment. if you know who i'm talking about then u kno why people keep liking her. =]i should really give up haha =D i just dont learn do i... *sigh* too bad.. i jst hope i wont like anyone next year.. cuz dang.. that'd be really gay.

On other news, Deliciously Famous(R) has been on the shleves for around a week now and alot of positive responses have been forged on the awakening of the long-awaited cookbook. The new leaders for SHOUT Praise team have been chosen.  i pray that these new leaders will be great leaders who strive towards God in every way. Gala day for Soccer was pretty good too. i managed to get a defensive bicycle kick in and saved a few goals as well. didnt let in any goals so it was good. only stayed for the first two games though but at least i got to play.

anyways~ enuf of that. seems like ive blabbled on for AAAAAAAAAGES

so come in now and then to see if ive blabbled more \(^ロ^)/
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