I'm in Frankfurt.

Aug 01, 2012 02:26

So: there is free wifi in Frankfurt Airport. Problem: you need a live cellphone to use the free wifi. My cellphone is in North Carolina.

So I forked out five euros to get an hour of web time so I can tell you I'm alive. Also to bitch about Newark.

- Newark is a sucky horrible airport. They didn't even tell me about which gate I was supposed to board at UNTIL FIFTEEN MINUTES BEFORE FINAL CALL. I had to run out, exit the screened areas, get the skytrain over to the right terminal, and then get screened by the TSA all over again before they let me in.

- The TSA didn't give me trouble per se, but I keep thinking it would be more efficient for all parties involved if they told me to remove my money belt and my knitting row counter BEFORE I stepped forward, not after, and both at the same time, not one at a time. Perkele.

- Lufthansa is a niiiice airline. Maybe the wine they kept plying us passengers with helped. One sticking point, and something that isn't their fault; I wound up sitting in the same section as a kid who decided to cry for five of the seven hours I was in the air, and wouldn't stop wailing. Nope, Mel has had no sleep at all.

- Surprisingly little trouble with Customs. The officer was pleasantly surprised I spoke elementary German and could greet him and thank him in Deutsch.

- Similarly, everyone at Frankfurt has been very friendly so far. It's not as nice an airport as Changi International, but I'm not too bothered by that. I have a place to sit, a spot to use the hour of wifi I bought from Telekom (FIVE FRIGGING EUROS, PEOPLE) and later I can knit and try to stay awake until my flight to Helsinki.

- Mel out.
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