Omg you guys I'm sorry I suddenly died on all of you. ;__; My flight is in approximately 17 hours, and I've been devoured by packing and meeting up with people and freaking out over fucking college in a new fucking country. And the damn 20-hour flight.
Things that made my day slightly better:
- Huge breakfast with delicious cheese sause
Those ridiculous Ways (oh god I am so emotionally over-invested in them I want to cry for their happiness ;__;)
- Realizing that I'm never going to lose Gerard Way sex chicken at this rate
- Lol Frank Iero sex chicken (that I've never been in because I just want to cuddle him forever)
- New FOB song! \o/ (though I haven't had time to listen to it yet...)
I do try to catch up with flist and stuff as I can access wireless internet from my phone now (yay shiny new phone \o/), but the backlog is huge and I barely have internet time now, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to be epic fail at commenting and keeping up for a while (at least for another week as I start settling down and going to class and everything). /o\
Hugs and kisses to all of you. <3 (I know a lot of you are starting school/new jobs as well, so good luck! <3)
P.S. Oh, random question time! Friends with benefits = bad idea, y/n?