stick and move

Jul 19, 2006 14:56

i've been approved for my new place. its only 3 blocks away, but it is above a thai coffee house. hooray for joel!

i will not miss the car dealership next door to me. they don't have coffee or thai food and the way they find cars, is to hit the panic button. i've been woken up dozens of times as an alarm goes off for up to 2 minutes as they search out cars. they suck hard!

been biking a ton. on ravenswood, there's an ice cream truck that plays "come all ye faithful". seriously. i sang the "oh come let us adore him" part as i rode by. maybe the song is meant to create longtime customers who will be loyal to their truck over all others. i wonder if they call their "push-ups" "genuflects"?

last night, we went to a bar called the 4 treys. while playing pool, 2 dudes walked in to challenge us. their personalities were like when there's an alien/cyborg in the movie who tries to act human by saying outdated things and trying too hard. these guys were overly masculine and all about talking about how hard they wanted to party. at one point, my buddy tim bent over and here was the dialogue.

bro-culture: "don't bend over like that."
tim: "flashback to prison days?"
broculture: "where do you think i got all these bad ass tats?"

also got to hang out on beth's roof @ night. i've been wanting to check it out. it's a boss view. i love roofs!
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