some resonance

Jul 01, 2010 19:45

I just got my #3 T shot a couple hours ago. My mom should be in town for my fourth, so she'll probably get to come in and see the clinic and meet my RN. She was super rushed today, but usually we talk about random nutrition stuff and she'll go on about it forever and it's awesome.

I also realized I haven't talked much about changes from this past two weeks and I guess that's because it's mostly been more subtle than the initial stuff. Not that the initial stuff wasn't subtle, but zero to something is bound to be way more dramatic than something to something a tiny bit more.

Hair growth. It's happening, slowly. There's hair on my upper arms and upper legs now... probably about as much as was on my lower arms before starting T. Which is to say not much, but lots more than nothing. It's all super fine and not really visible unless you're looking for it. My legs are probably close to twice as hairy as a month ago. Still not a lot, but it's fun watching it happen.

Muscles are bulking up a little, probably more from the P90x than from T specifically. There's still a pretty thick layer of fat in most places keeping it from being very visible. The most defined muscles are in my lower legs, though I can ID specific patches of fat layer that have yet to fade.

It's kind of interesting, because unlike a regular puberty, I'm not 'just' developing secondary sex characteristics. I'm simultaneously shedding one set and gaining the other. Human evolution didn't really plan for people retracting secondary sex characteristics, so things like the layer of fat padding are leaving awkwardly. Like, gone in some places, but not in others without much apparent logic.

For example my feet and ankles are basically fat free at this point. I didn't think about there being much fat in my feet until I didn't have it, and there for a week or two my feet were hurting a lot just from walking. Yeah, weird. But then right above my ankles there's this chunk of fat that actually sticks out and makes a very unnatural looking shape before blending back into my calves.

I feel like I've lost some of the curvyness in my hip/butt area. Not a lot yet, but I have high hopes it'll continue.

Acne. A little on my face. A lot on my butt. =l

Looking at my face in the mirror is interesting. I keep not-quite recognizing myself. I don't know what's different, and the hair isn't visible unless you're looking at it really close, so that's not it. Maybe just losing a little fat in my cheeks. I know the bone structure won't change dramatically but there might be some in the jaw area eventually. I've also heard my nose might get bigger.

Oh, and my voice. The other day I was thinking it -felt- a little lower (a little means a little), but decided it was probably in my head. But then I talked to my mom on the phone and she commented that she thought it sounded a little lower, so if it's in my head, it's in hers, too. I mentioned it to Eira and she said she thought it was more like my voice has some resonance to it now that it formerly lacked, which sounds like a fairly accurate description of how it feels. I'm finding it easier to talk in the lower register of my old voice now, where before I had to do it almost consciously. Now that I'm thinking about it, my throat feels a tiny bit sore, which is probably related.

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