Something weird...

Mar 22, 2004 00:00

I find that lately, I've "grown up" a little. Well, if "growing up" means not being as much of a big partier, changing my tastes a bit (or watching them change whether I like it or not), and focusing my attention more towards my ambitions and my future. It's a little strange, and it makes my spleen feel funny. Maybe I'm just slowing down a bit and it's more like a cycle that comes and goes. But, it's good to mature, no matter how old you may be. Some people, most older than me, don't understand that nor do they want to. I've never understood people who don't want to better themselves in some way. I don't think I could live like that.
I'm accepting the changes I'm feeling, and even enjoying them on some level, but that doesn't mean I'm never going to party and stop going out. I think the people that make a big deal out of things like that are a bit misguided. You can be responsible and still have wild butt crazy fun. It makes me sad to see some people make big dramatic posts in their journals about how since they're getting older in years, they're going to stop going out and having any fun whatsoever. It also makes me sad that some people are several years older than me yet still act like they're in high school, and revel in it. Watching people like the latter strut (actually, I'd call it a shamble) around acting as if they're superior to everyone really gets me giggling.

That was just some cerebral goo I had to get out of my head.

In other news, Mogwai is, er, "in season" (we haven't been able to get her fixed yet, but we're going to asap), and today we bought one of those cloth doggie diaper things that you put little doggie maxipads in. Watching Brandon put it on her was hands down the funniest thing I've seen all week. It's this denim diaper with red bandana-patterned frills around the tail hole, and Mogwai now looks like a dog version of Ellie May Clampett. She's pretty pissed at Brandon right now and keeps staring at him with this "I hate you" look on her face. Poor Mogwai.

Now, wasn't that story just heart-warming? Fabulous, first I'm talking about maturity, then I'm talking about my dog and her redneck diaper. Oh well, I still have better social skills than the people I was previously speaking of. :)
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