So. I wait for mom to get home, and she does. And I ask her when I can open my presents. And she is like here's a ballon o.o
And I take the ballon and clip it to my shirt and have a balloon fallowing me where ever I go.
They make me go into the bathroom while they take something out of my room and into their room. And I go okay. And mom laughs at me and goes, Haha we locked Heather in the bathroom, and I yell, thats okay...Ive got my balloon...
Then they say I can come out, but I cant open anything yet, cause they have to do some stuff in their room. (AKA wrap things) So I get some quesadea's sit down and watch Ellen (I <3 that show) and a bit later they come out. And Chelsie looks and goes O_O OMG HEATHER YOU GOT A GUITAR. But I ignore that and stay seated untill they tell me to come. And I go there, and they light my birthday cake (which was Spiderman ^.^) and sang happy b-day, and I made my b-day wish, and blew out the candles. And then I turn around to see a huge box, and a long flatish box from Alan. The huge box has Pokemon wrapping kicked ass...Anywho. And the other bow was just a box but thats okay. Anywho.
Opened the box and it is an Epiphone Les Paul ^_^ YEY! I Squee My self. =) I take everything out and start playing, kick chelsie off the phone then call Alan and open the big present he got me. Its Arwens sword. I squee my pants. ^.^ Hehehe. This is like the best birthday. Only one that could equal this is When I got Merlin and all my friends were at my moms house in va. That was fun. Anywho.
Thats the cake. Lol. I <3 it. It kicks ass. Lol.
Presents (wrapped):
Guitar in package:
Arwens Sword ^.^:
Sword and Guitar:
Me : o.o I was playing with the sword...
Me : And I was in Chelsies room
Alan: O.O
Me : And I was like, o.o can I stab your bed?
Alan: NO!
Alan: EEE
Me : Please?
Me : And she was like o.o no
Alan: AHH
Me : And I was like o.o it wont hurt anything -jabs it at bed and watches it go straight though- O_O LMAO -scurrys away-
Me : And then Chelsie was like O_O OMG HEATHER! I KEEL YEW.
Me : And I was like o.o -high voice- motherfucker Ive got a sword
Me : And she was like o.o good point..
Me : And then I got her to stab her own bed cause it was fun
Me : Lmao
Me : <<
Yeah...Lol. Im having fun. o.o Really though Im being carefull. =)
Im still suppose to get a box from Alan tomorrow. Whee. =)
Anywhos. o.o
I already need new strings for my electric though x.x
The E and B sting broke. =\ I have a pretty laceration marks on my hands from it. Lol. Oh well. I can still play songs. Which I am doing. I'll get new strings prolly Monday.
I think Im gonna go now and stuff.
Birthday is like in 59(I was born 12:18am)