David Tennant - Barty Crouch Jr. Picspam

Sep 08, 2008 17:47

Since I was recently in a discussion about the sexiness of Barty Crouch Jr., I decided to do a picspam! I know, how unusual for me. *g* It's been about a week since I've posted any David Tennant pictures, so it was about time anyway. So, here is Barty Crouch Jr. in all his sexy insanely evil, coldly evil, leather-clad, dirty, sweaty, tongue-flicking glory!

BTW - Where are the animated tongue flicking icons of Barty Crouch? Does anyone have one; can anyone make one?? Please?

ETA: unfolded73 has done a tongue-centric picspam here

To start I have some thumbnails of large promo shots:

Mmmmmm. My favorite of these shots! I love the look in his eyes.

And now for the screencaps!

The initial dream sequence. All messy hair and sunken eyes. And leather! Mmmmm...leather.

Oops! You're dead!

The Quidditch World Cup scene. He looks relatively sane here.

Nice baring of the teeth.

Well, not so much with the sanity! *g*
He must be very pleased to be out and about destroying things.

His initial unmasking. He's cold and evil, but relatively normal. No tongue flicking at all.

Now he's pissed! That's a great 'don't fuck with me look.' GUH!

No where to run.

No sense in pretending sanity anymore! That's got to be a lot of work!


Damn! That's one ANGRY dimple!

You'll all be sorry! He's going to kill you all!

His final scene.
Messy hair. Check. Leather. Check. Sunken eyes. Check. Sweaty and dirty. Check.
Do I find him very sexy here? Check! Yes...I know I have a problem. *g* At least I have company.

And one last bit of tongue. I know he used his tongue more than this.
Where are all the tongue screencaps???

All pictures from The Leaky Cauldron.

david tennant, picspam

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