Embracing My Geekiness

Jul 13, 2008 11:43

Today is Embrace Your Geekiness Day. I'm not actually sure how I can embrace it more than I already have, so I put together a list of geeky characters I love.

The Doctor - Doctor Who

Do I need to explain why the Doctor is on this list? He's a geek's geek. He's brilliant and loves to expound on all of his geeky technobabble to whomever is around. Knowing and understanding are some of his greatest joys in life. He's *so* pleased to be called a geek in The Lazarus Experiment, it's just so darn cute. And how many shows have the hero going on about recreational mathematics as part of the plot?

Sam Carter - Stargate SG-1

The quintessential sexy blonde female geek. What does she do when given superpowers? She writes that book on wormhole physics that she hasn't had time work on before. How about some time off? She decides to do an in depth study of a naquadah reactor, because that's fun to her.

Daniel Jackson - Stargate SG-1

His geekiness got downplayed as the series went on, but he never lost his love of learning something new. I loved how he would get all enthusiastic about meeting new people and cataloging artifacts. What does he do with superpowers? He gets all excited that he can read *really* fast.

Rupert Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

He starts out as a very buttoned down repressed (but sexy) geek and loosens up into a more comfortable geekiness as the series goes on. What else but a geek do we call someone who's idea of a fun night is cataloguing all his books on demonology? It's almost criminal that he got no loving after his shortlived romance with Olivia. I just can't believe that there were only two women in the Buffyverse that could appreciate him.

Willow Rosenberg - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow's introduced as the geeky computer genius. She may become a witch later, but she never completely loses her geeky nature and love of learning. Here's a girl who recopies and color codes her notes.

Fred Burkle - Angel the Series

Another excellent geek from Joss Whedon. She gets a bad rap from some corners of fandom for being a Sue, but I love her. She's a mathematical genius who's smarter than the rest of the characters put together. As a bonus, she also loves to put together weird contraptions for killing demons.

Felix Gaeta - Battlestar Galactica

There aren't too many true geeks in BSG, everyone's an action hero or a cylon (though Leoben has a certain amount of twisted religious geekiness), but I think Gaeta qualifies. Who was in charge of sharpening up the video to determine if Baltar was a traitor? And he not only gets the video all cleaned up, but he then figures out that it's a fake, clearing Baltar's name.


tv: bsg, tv: doctor who

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