Once Upon a Time - Lost Girl

Oct 10, 2013 15:34

Just a few weeks into the new tv season and I'm already behind! Though...I just remembered that Elementary doesn't air until tonight! \o/ I love the show but it took a while for both Zeph and I to be awake and in the living room at the same time so I only saw last week's episode a couple of days ago. (Loved it! If anyone wants to talk about it, I'm happy to expound on the matter.)

So I'm only behind on PoI at the moment. And Sleepy Hollow - though I haven't actually watched any episodes of that yet. But I want to! It sounds like something I would enjoy. It is recording and I probably should watch the pilot tonight or there will be too many and I'll never get around to it.

Once Upon a Time - Lost Girl

Two wonderful episodes in a row! Let’s keep that up! I just want to roll around in all the character moments. (ESPECIALLY the Snow&Emma moments - long overdue but seriously intense, maybe because Emma has been bottling it up for months.) I missed the focus on the characters so much in season two and I am so happy they figured out that All Plot All The Time isn’t the way to go.

And I’m quite excited that we now know what the doll represents and it is what I thought it was going to be - a connection to his father. We’re exploring everyone’s pasts this season and Rumple’s father issues are going to be quite important I think.

Also, I LOVED him cutting off his shadow. I seriously was NOT expecting that.

The Rumbelle scenes were adorable (but I am over the almost kisses we get too often with them). At the very least it shows his thoughts and his deep feelings about Belle, and I do hope it also is going to be reflected in Belle as well - a dream perhaps. And I loved his honesty! Even if it was only to himself, this is an important step for him. He needs to face his past and look within himself so this was good.

Regina’s FTL outfits? Damn. They were all Too Damn Fabulous for words. Every week someone’s clothing has me wanting to send a fruit basket to the costumers but they clearly outdid themselves this episode.

- Emma is the Lost Girl but she is also the only one with living parents. Hmmmm. I like the juxtaposition of that.

- Pan WANTS something from Emma. Her magic? A mom? IDK. But this is part of the reason he is playing this game with them since he needs to work on her to get her where he needs her. Also, he's Pan. He likes to play and enjoys dangerous games the best.

- The last thing his father gave to him. We were supposed to see his father last season but they cut it. Now I think I know why - instead of a small scene, this is clearly going to be a big part of Rumple's arc this season. He can't get rid of the doll. He'll have to face it.

- So loved the Charming family scenes. I NEEDED these so bad. Emma has ISSUES and I'm not interested in a show that doesn't explore them.

- Regina was in fine, snarking form but so far isn't affected by Neverland. I know we got into her psyche a lot last season but we saw very little honesty from her and a lot of deflection. I'd like her to be changed too by all this.

Rumple’s Three Rules of Magic:

1. No magical rebirths. Dead is dead. Magic can do much, but not that.
2. No magical love. I’m afraid if you want me to make him love you, no can do. And nothing can.
3. No magical belief. Magic can’t make someone believe dearie. It works the other way around. Belief must come from within.
4. With a bonus rule - All magic comes with a price. As does wasting Rumple’s time.

Pan Meta

Peter Pan seems to be VERY BIG into getting people to confront their pasts and not letting them wiggle out of it even a little bit. The map won’t work until Emma admits she is a Lost Girl and that doll keeps showing up in Rumple’s path like a bad penny. He can’t discard it or ignore it; he has to face it.

So far he is focusing on Emma and Rumple - they both have MASSIVE abandonment issues and Pan LOVES those. By the time they have left Neverland I think both of them are going to have made significant progress in working through all those old painful feelings that they have both done their best to push away and ignore. (Not that I think that is Pan’s goal but I predict both of them having breakthroughs by being forced to confront things they don’t want to think about.)

It will be interesting to see if he starts in on any of the other characters and what buttons he decides to push.

He is like an EVIL THERAPIST.

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tv: once upon a time, tv

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