Person of Interest, Elementary

Mar 17, 2013 20:27

Here are my reviews of PoI and Elementary!

We are definitely in filler episode territory at the moment but I appreciate the breathers after the intense episodes we've had earlier in the season. (especially for PoI) And the PoI episode particularly would be a nice introduction to the show as well since it can be difficult get into a show in a myth-heavy episode. Or maybe not! If myth is what gets you then a more procedural episode could have you shrugging and changing the channel while thinking been there, seen that. Hmmm. Anyway, I enjoyed them both and have few thoughts about each!

Person of Interest - All In

First of all, I really LOVE that Leon is back! He brings some much needed humor to the show and I think Ken Leung is wonderful in the role. In my last review, I talked about some of the women they have on the show and how damaged and twisted many of them are. Leon is damaged, but damn if he doesn't do it to himself. The first scene of the episode was funny enough that I had to immediately go back and watch it again. Hee. 'What?? You're going to kill me? You might to rethink that!' And then John bursts in with Bear. Bear was so happy to see Leon again! They are now BFFs. :D

There was nothing in the episode about the Machine this week but we did get some development of the new HR and who the new boss is. The mayor's right hand man. And he is willing to do ANYTHING to stay on top. Carter really needs to keep a low profile. I'm worried about her! She may be willing to bend rules for John but she is still a straight arrow in her police work - something I hope never changes but it's not good for her health.

And then there's Beecher. Will he be redeemed or he is too deep in? Carter deserves some loving but only if he is willing to put her above his loyalty to HR. Can I hope he is undercover?

Elementary - Deja Vu All Over Again

And on Elementary it is time for Joan to take the training wheels off. These last few episodes have shown us a Joan who is a little unsure of who she is and whether this is really what she wants to do. And it's a big change so I understand! It is one thing to assist Sherlock while still maintaining a certain amount of separation from his life and another decide to immerse herself in it. To his credit Sherlock is much better mentor than I thought he would be. While still retaining his asshole side, he is encouraging, willing to let her make her own mistakes, and happy to help if needed.

This is an interesting point in the arc since their relative positions in the partnership have flipped a bit. Sherlock was always the lead on detecting while Joan helped but she still had a fair amount of power over his life. And more than a little annoyance with him. Now she is off balance and a little bit dependent on him. She is the student and he the teacher. It turns out that she doesn't really need his direction but does need to realize she CAN DO THIS. By the end of the episode I think she does realize. She solved the case. She showed her friends. And she is willing to come out as a detective.

- It was great to see Alfredo again. We don't need him every week but he provides depth to their world.

- I would have been just as angry about the intervention. It is one thing to express concern but to tell her she can't do the job was low. Her mother was excited and happy for her! If mom is happy, back off.

- I liked how Sherlock knew of her plans with her friend and arranged for Alfredo's help so she wouldn't miss the meeting (yes, it ended up being an intervention but they didn't know that!). It was high-handed and annoying but in a thoughtful way.

- Gregson wasn't in the episode much but he did get a good line about not being sure Sherlock eats until now. :)

- And once again it is JOAN who make the crucial deduction which solves the case. No wonder Sherlock has been so keen in having her as a partner.

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tv: elementary, tv, tv: person of interest

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