A David Tennant Post!

Sep 14, 2012 14:42

Ever have one of those days when instead of sprinkling cinnamon in your coffee you sprinkle some oregano? Yeah. I reached without looking. At least I immediately noticed and didn't drink it! And I hadn't added my milk. (I heat a cup or so of milk on the stove for four minutes to be the perfect temp for my coffee and would have been annoyed to have to do it again. *g*)

Now, I've talked a lot recently about Once Upon a Time, and a small black cat, and Doctor Who and of course Robert Carlyle, but it feels as though I'm missing something. *thinks hard* Wasn't there another Scottish man in my life? Oh yes! How about a couple of David Tennant posts to make up for my neglect!

This one will cover the Comedy World Cup, Broadchurch news, and the Lords of Time convention. I have to say the man HAS been busy! And (though I do enjoy seeing him in an interview or as a host) I'm quite happy at least some of his busyness will result in scripted programs so I can watch him act.

• Broadchurch

We don't have too many pictures of David in Broadchurch as yet, though I have seen a few floating about, but filming is moving right along. They have just begun the second block of filming for the series this week. Since it's four blocks and eight episodes I'm thinking this is episode 3? And in excellent news, the director for the second block is Euros Lyn. His episodes of Doctor Who were among the prettiest - not necessarily my favorites - but definitely pretty. :)

• Comedy World Cup

David will be hosting this with part I tomorrow (Saturday Sep. 15) and part II next Saturday. I don't know if I'm going to watch it but he does look nice in the promo pics! Well...except for the first one. Sometimes I joke about him getting dressed in the dark by grabbing the first things he found, but this time I'm SURE that's what he did. I'm not even against the orange trousers but - wow.

Purple shirt? Orange trousers? And a sedate, blue jacket? I can't even...

As for his hosting outfit, that's about normal for him. Though I'm not sure if I could look at anything but that face on his t-shirt.

• Lords of Time Convention

David was also at the Lords of Time Convention this past weekend and gave a talk on Sunday. I'm wondering if there might be some video of his talk or not? I'd love to see it though the transcript is nice as well. I think the most controversial thing he talked about was how he takes his tea. *g* As is proper he has very strong opinions on the matter. Though we don't have video, so far as I know, we do have a pile of good pictures! (courtesy of Matt Holden) And I'm posting a couple that I particularly liked. There are many more at the link.

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dt: tv, david tennant, tv: broadchurch, tv, picspam: tennant, picspam, dt: appearances

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